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25 juillet 2000
Comités permanents
Ressources humaines
Sujet(s) à aborder: 
Human Resources -- Tue., July 25, 2000

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9:00 A.M.


Mr. Mark Parent

MR. CHAIRMAN: Welcome. I hope that the summer has been going well for you. I know you enjoyed the tall ships. We saw David all written up in the entertainment column. Sorry to bring you in for just one name when the name even happens to be a reappointment, but by legislation we have to meet once a month. Otherwise, if we didn't have that, I would have asked if we could hold it over but we do have to meet once a month by legislation, which I think all of you knew anyway.

We just have the one name. If someone would care to move the name and for the record, please give us all the details, then we will have a discussion and go to the vote.

MR. TIMOTHY OLIVE: Mr. Chairman, I would like to move, under the Department of Justice, Legal Aid Commission of Nova Scotia, R. Gordon Murray, QC, Director.

MR. CHAIRMAN: It has been moved; we don't need a seconder. Is there any discussion on the name?

Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions.

The motion is carried.

For some more update, just to remind you, we decided at the last meeting we would wait because we are having trouble getting the people from the cultural sector to come. We will be starting on that in September. I do have a draft report to the subcommittee, but that will go to the subcommittee before it comes back to our regular committee.


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Our next meeting will be on the last Tuesday of August.

MRS. DARLENE HENRY: August 29th.

MR. CHAIRMAN: August 29th, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The appointments to the district health boards were to come before this meeting, you may remember, in case you were wondering, but they got delayed. They will probably be coming, not even at the August meeting, probably not until September. They may be at the August meeting, so that may be an important meeting. They weren't ready to come for this meeting.

I will take a motion for adjournment, unless there is anything further.

MR. DAVID HENDSBEE: I move adjournment.

MR. CHAIRMAN: We are adjourned.

[The committee adjourned at 9:05 a.m.]

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