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Video Lottery Terminals Moratorium Act


(as amended)

1st Session, 57th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
47 Elizabeth II, 1998

Private Member's Bill

Video Lottery Terminals Moratorium Act


John F. Hamm, M.D.
Pictou Centre

First Reading: June 17, 1998

Second Reading: June 25, 1998

Third Reading: June 29, 1998 (WITH COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS)

Royal Assent: June 29, 1998

An Act to Impose a Moratorium
on Additional Video Lottery Terminals
and to Provide for a Study of
Video Lottery Terminals

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 This Act may be cited as the Video Lottery Terminals Moratorium Act.

2 In this Act, "video lottery terminal" means a game or contrivance played for consideration, singly or in conjunction with another or others, in or through a computer, microprocessor [or] video machine, whether manual, mechanical or electrical, but does not include a video lottery terminal for which a registration certificate, licence or permit is, or has been, issued or renewed by a band gaming commission established pursuant to an agreement between Her Majesty in right of the Province and a band within the meaning of the Indian Act (Canada).

3 Notwithstanding any other enactment, including the Gaming Control Act or any regulations made pursuant to that Act, no registration certificate, licence or permit shall be issued, renewed or amended after the coming into force of this Act for the operation or use of, or that would authorize or permit the operation or use, in the Province of more video lottery terminals than were legally authorized for operation or use immediately before the coming into force of this Act.

4 (1) Within thirty days of this Act coming into force, the Community Services Committee of the House of Assembly shall tender for and engage an independent person or body to carry out a study on the socio-economic impact of video lottery terminals on the Province and, within six months, that person or body shall carry out the study and report thereon by filing a report with the Clerk of the Assembly.

(2) The person or body referred to in subsection (1) may be paid such remuneration and be reimbursed for such expenses as the Legislature Internal Economy Board determines.

(3) The sums required for the purpose of this Section may be paid out of moneys appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose.

This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 1999 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Updated April 22, 1999. Send comments to