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19 janvier 2011



Published by Order of the Legislature by Hansard Reporting Services and printed by the Queen's Printer.

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Second Session


Hon. R. Landry 5171
The Premier 5171
Res. 3207, Kent, Becky: Deputy Speaker - Appt.,
Hon. F. Corbett 5172
Vote - Affirmative 5172
Approval of Mr. G. Gosse as Speaker 5173
ADJOURNMENT, House rose to meet at the call of the Speaker 5174
NOTICES OF MOTION UNDER RULE 32(3) [Tabled 12/10/10]:
Res. 3204, Boudreau, Rosanna: St. Anne Commun. Ctr. & Nursing
Care Ctr. - Serv. (5 Yrs.), Hon. M. Samson 5175
Res. 3205, Britten, Sheila: St. Anne Commun. Ctr. & Nursing
Care Ctr. - Serv. (26 Yrs.), Hon. M. Samson 5175
Res. 3206, Pitts. Sheila: St. Anne Commun. Ctr. & Nursing
Care Ctr. - Serv. (5 Yrs.), Hon. M. Samson 5176

[Page 5171]


Sixty-first General Assembly

Second Session

9:00 A.M.


Mr. Gordon Gosse, Mr. Leo Glavine, Mr. Alfie MacLeod

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr. Leo Glavine): Please be seated.

The Provincial Secretary.

HON. ROSS LANDRY: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to table a copy of the resignation of the member for Pictou West as Speaker of the House of Assembly, effective 4:00 p.m., January 11, 2011.

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The letter is tabled.

I will now accept nominations for candidates for election as the Speaker of the House.

The honourable Premier.

HON. DARRELL DEXTER (The Premier): Mr. Speaker, I nominate the member for Cape Breton Nova for election as the Speaker of this House of Assembly for the remainder of this, the Sixty-first General Assembly. (Applause)

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Does the honourable member accept the nomination?



[Page 5172]

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hearing no further nominations, I declare the nominations closed and, pursuant to our Rules and Forms of Procedure, I declare the member for Cape Breton Nova elected as Speaker of the House for the remainder of the Sixty-first General Assembly. (Standing Ovation)

[The Premier, Hon. Stephen McNeil and Hon. Jamie Baillie dragged Mr. Speaker to the Chair.]

MR. SPEAKER: Please be seated. Thank you, all, for your support.

Honourable members of the House of Assembly, I thank the House for the great honour it has bestowed upon me. I will do my best to uphold the prestige and high tradition of the Speaker's Office. I respectfully ask the assistance and co-operation of all members of the House of Assembly.


MR. SPEAKER: The honourable Government House Leader.


HON. FRANK CORBETT: Mr. Speaker, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:

I move that:

(a) The honourable member for Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage be appointed as Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker;

(b) Rule 11 of the Rules and Forms of Procedure continue to be suspended for the remainder of the Sixty-first General Assembly.

Mr. Speaker, I request waiver of notice and passage without debate.

MR. SPEAKER: There has been a request for waiver.

Is it agreed?

It is agreed.

Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.

The motion is carried.

[Page 5173]

I now declare the Deputy Speaker elected. (Applause)

SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: Her Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, is without.

MR. SPEAKER: Let Her Honour be admitted.

[The Speaker and the Clerks left the Chamber.]

SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: Her Honour, the Lieutenant Governor.

[The Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Mayann E. Francis, preceded by her escort and by Mr. Ken Greenham, the Sergeant-at-Arms, bearing the Mace, entered the Chamber. The Lieutenant Governor then took her seat on the Throne.

The Sergeant-at-Arms then departed and re-entered the Chamber, followed by the Speaker, the Honourable Gordon Gosse; the Chief Clerk of the House, Mr. Neil Ferguson; and Assistant Clerk, Ms. Annette Boucher.

The Speaker, with the Sergeant-at-Arms on his right and the Clerks on either side, took up his position at the foot of the Table of the House.]

SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: It is the wish of Her Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, that the ladies and gentlemen be seated.

[9:15 a.m.]

THE PREMIER: May it please Your Honour, the House of Assembly, agreeable to Your Honour's command, has proceeded to the choice of a Speaker and has elected Mr. Gordon L. Gosse, member for the electoral district of Cape Breton Nova, to that office and by its direction I present him for the approbation of Your Honour.

THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: I approve of the Speaker whom the House of Assembly has chosen.

MR. SPEAKER: Your Honour's ready approval of the choice with which I have been honoured by the House, having constituted me, in due form Speaker of the House of Assembly, it has now become my duty in the name of the representatives of Her Majesty's loyal subjects, the people of this Province, respectfully to demand all their accustomed rights and privileges, and that they shall have freedom of speech in their debates, that they may be free from arrest during their attendance in Parliament, and that I, as their Speaker, may have free access to Your Honour's person.

[Page 5174]

THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: I most cheerfully grant your request. From Whitney Pier, I have to. (Applause)

[The Speaker and the Clerks left the Chamber.

The Lieutenant Governor left the Chamber, preceded by her escort and the Sergeant-at-Arms.]

SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: His honour, the Speaker.

[Mr. Speaker took the Chair.]

MR. SPEAKER: Please be seated. Before I recognize the honourable Government House Leader, I would like to recognize my mother, Enid Gosse, in the Speaker's Gallery today (Standing Ovation), along with my wife, Susan, and my son, Daniel, my brothers, Bill and Harold, my friend, Neil; I welcome everybody here today.

The honourable Government House Leader.

HON. FRANK CORBETT: Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn and meet at the call of the Speaker.

MR. SPEAKER: The motion is to adjourn.

Is it agreed?

It is agreed.

[Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.

The motion is carried.]

The House will now rise. (Standing Ovation)

[The House rose at 9:20 a.m.]

[Page 5175]


EXPLANATORY NOTE: Res. Nos. 3204, 3205 and 3206, tabled 12/10/10


By: Hon. Michel Samson (Richmond)

I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre in Arichat is a great place for our seniors and those who need care because of the important role played by each employee; and

Whereas it takes a certain kind of person to have the proper skills and ability to work in a nursing care centre; and

Whereas on Friday, November 19, 2010, St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre held an awards ceremony at the New Horizon Seniors Club in Arichat to honour staff for their years of service;

Therefore be it resolved that the members of the House of Assembly congratulate Rosanna Boudreau for her five years of service with St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre and wish her continued success in her employment.


By: Hon. Michel Samson (Richmond)

I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre in Arichat is a great place for our seniors and those who need care because of the important role played by each employee; and

Whereas it takes a certain kind of person to have the proper skills and ability to work in a nursing care centre; and

Whereas on Friday, November 19, 2010, St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre held an awards ceremony at the New Horizon Seniors Club in Arichat to honour staff for their years of service;

[Page 5176]

Therefore be it resolved that the members of the House of Assembly congratulate Sheila Britten for her 26 years of service with St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre and wish her continued success in her employment.


By: Hon. Michel Samson (Richmond)

I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre in Arichat is a great place for our seniors and those who need care because of the important role played by each employee; and

Whereas it takes a certain kind of person to have the proper skills and ability to work in a nursing care centre; and

Whereas on Friday, November 19, 2010, St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre held an awards ceremony at the New Horizon Seniors Club in Arichat to honour staff for their years of service;

Therefore be it resolved that the members of the House of Assembly congratulate Sheila Pitts for her 14 years of service with St. Anne Community and Nursing Care Centre and wish her continued success in her employment.