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Date de réuniontrier par ordre croissant Subject Audio Vidéo Hansard
6 déc 2017
Seafood Exports
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
6 décembre 2017 PDF
29 nov 2017
November 22, 2017 Report of the Auditor General
Office of the Auditor General
29 novembre 2017 PDF
8 nov 2017
November 1, 2017 Report of the Auditor General
Office of the Auditor General
8 novembre 2017 PDF
18 oct 2017
Alternative Procurement Process and IT Services
Department of Internal Services
18 oct 2017 18 octobre 2017 PDF
4 oct 2017
October 2017 Report of the Auditor General
Office of the Auditor General
4 oct 2017 4 octobre 2017 PDF
27 sep 2017
Funding for Pre-Primary
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
27 sep 2017 27 septembre 2017 PDF
20 sep 2017
Organizational Meeting
20 sep 2017 20 septembre 2017 PDF
26 avr 2017
Funding and Physician Services
Doctors Nova Scotia
26 avr 2017 26 avril 2017 PDF
19 avr 2017
Regulatory Review
Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectiveness
19 avr 2017 19 avril 2017 PDF
12 avr 2017
Ministère des Finances et du Conseil du Trésor et Ministère de la Santé et du Mieux-être
Department of Finance and Treasury Board/Department of Health & Wellness
12 avr 2017 12 avril 2017 PDF
5 avr 2017
Emergency Room Accountability and Collaborative Emergency Centres
Department of Health & Wellness
5 avr 2017 5 avril 2017 PDF
29 mar 2017
Export Development
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture/Department of Agriculture
29 mar 2017 29 mars 2017 PDF
22 mar 2017
Financial Oversight
Department of Municipal Affairs
22 mar 2017 22 mars 2017 PDF
8 mar 2017
Ministère de la Santé et du Mieux-être et Nova Scotia Health Authority
Department of Health and Wellness/Nova Scotia Health Authority
8 mar 2017 8 mars 2017 PDF
1 mar 2017
Emergency Management Office
Department of Municipal Affairs - Emergency Management Office
1 mar 2017 1 mars 2017 PDF
8 fév 2017
Bluenose II Additional Costs
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
8 fév 2017 8 février 2017 PDF
1 fév 2017
Sustainable Transportation Programs
Department of Municipal Affairs - Sustainable Transportation
1 fév 2017 1 février 2017 PDF
25 jan 2017
Public-Private Partnerships for Public Infrastructure
Departments of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal and Health & Wellness, re P3s for Public Infrastructure
25 jan 2017 25 janvier 2017 PDF
18 jan 2017
Economic Development Funding
Nova Scotia Business Inc.
18 jan 2017 18 janvier 2017 PDF
14 déc 2016
Yarmouth Ferry
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal / Tourism Nova Scotia
14 déc 2016 14 décembre 2016 PDF
7 déc 2016
Fall Report of the Auditor General
Office of the Auditor General
7 déc 2016 7 décembre 2016 PDF
16 nov 2016
Homes for Special Care
Department of Health and Wellness / Department of Community Services
16 nov 2016 16 novembre 2016 PDF
9 nov 2016
Sustainable Transportation Programs
Departments of Energy/Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
9 nov 2016 9 novembre 2016 PDF
2 nov 2016
Long-Term Care Funding
Department of Health and Wellness and Nova Scotia Health Authority
2 nov 2016 2 novembre 2016 PDF
26 oct 2016
Atlantic Lottery Corporation Audit
Office of the Auditor General
26 oct 2016 26 octobre 2016 PDF
19 oct 2016
Creative Industry Fund
Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage
19 oct 2016 19 octobre 2016 PDF
12 oct 2016
October 2016 Financial Report
Office of the Auditor General
12 oct 2016 12 octobre 2016 PDF
5 oct 2016
Senior Safety Grants
Department of Seniors
5 oct 2016 5 octobre 2016 PDF
28 sep 2016
Management of Nova Scotia's Hospital System Capacity
Department of Health and Wellness/Nova Scotia Health Authority
28 sep 2016 28 septembre 2016 PDF
