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An Act Respecting the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth


(as passed)

3rd Session, 61st General Assembly
Nova Scotia
60 Elizabeth II, 2011

Private Bill

An Act Respecting the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth


Leonard Preyra
Halifax Citadel–Sable Island

First Reading: November 15, 2011 (LINK TO BILL AS INTRODUCED)

Second Reading: November 28, 2011

Third Reading: December 13, 2011

Royal Assent: December 15, 2011

An Act Respecting the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth

WHEREAS the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax was incorporated in 1849 by an Act the Legislature and, from 1851 until 1954, the territory included within the Archdiocese of Halifax was the Counties of Halifax, Hants, Colchester, Cumberland, Kings, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens and Lunenburg;

AND WHEREAS The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature in 1954 and the territory included within the Diocese of Yarmouth was the Counties of Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis and Kings which thereupon ceased to be included within the Archdiocese of Halifax;

AND WHEREAS by Papal Decree dated October 22, 2009, a new metropolitan archdiocese will be created combining the Archdiocese of Halifax and the Diocese of Yarmouth as the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth;

AND WHEREAS, notwithstanding the canonical unification of the two dioceses under the Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth, it is desirable that the existing civil statutory corporations continue as separate entities;

THEREFORE be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 Section 1 of Chapter 102 of the Acts of 1888, An Act respecting the Roman Catholic Archbishop in Halifax, is amended by striking out "the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Halifax" in the ninth and tenth lines and substituting "and include the Archbishop of Halifax and the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth".

2 Section 2 of Chapter 102 is amended by striking out "his successors, being archbishop of the Archdiocese of Halifax" in the second and third lines and substituting "successor Archbishops".

3 Chapter 115 of the Acts of 1954, An Act to Incorporate The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth and in the French Language La Corporation Episcopale Catholique Romaine De Yarmouth, is amended by renumbering Section 1 as Section 1A and adding immediately before that Section the following Section:

1 In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, "Bishop of Yarmouth" or words of like import mean and include the bishop of the Diocese of Yarmouth and the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth."

4 For greater certainty, the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax incorporated by Chapter 102 and the The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth or La Corporation Episcopale Catholique Romane De Yarmouth incorporated by Chapter 115 continue as separate bodies corporate.

5 A reference in any enactment, other than this Act, Chapter 102 of the Acts of 1888 and Chapter 115 of the Acts of 1954, to the Archbishop of Halifax or to the Bishop of Yarmouth is a reference to the Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth.

6 This Act has effect on and after December 8, 2011.


This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2011 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created December 15, 2011. Send comments to