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Physiotherapy Act (1 of 2)


1st Session, 57th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
47 Elizabeth II, 1998

Government Bill

Physiotherapy Act


The Honourable James A. Smith, M.D.
Minister of Health

First Reading: November 19, 1998

Second Reading: November 20, 1998

Third Reading: November 26, 1998 (NO AMENDMENTS)

Royal Assent: December 3, 1998

NOTE - If you are searching this Bill, note that it consists of two documents.

An Act Respecting
the Practice of Physiotherapy

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 This Act may be cited as the Physiotherapy Act.

2 In this Act,

(a) "Board" means the Board of the College;

(b) "College" means the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists;

(c) "committee" includes a committee of the Board, an investigation committee or a hearing committee as the context requires;

(d) "complaint" means any complaint, report or allegation in writing and signed by a person regarding the conduct, actions, competence, character, fitness, health or ability of a member, former member, professional corporation or the employees thereof, or any similar complaint, report or allegation initiated by the Registrar or referred pursuant to subsection 46(7);

(e) "court" means the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia;

(f) "Credentials Committee" means the committee appointed by the Board that deals with the registration and licensing of members and applicants for registration and such other matters as provided by the regulations;

(g) "disciplinary committee" means an investigation committee or a hearing committee;

(h) "disciplinary matter" means any matter involving an allegation of professional misconduct, conduct unbecoming a physiotherapist or professional incompetence including incompetence arising out of physical or mental incapacity;

(i) "former Act" means Chapter 344 of the Revised Statutes, 1989;

(j) "hearing committee" means a hearing committee appointed pursuant to this Act;

(k) "investigation committee" means an investigation committee appointed pursuant to this Act;

(l) "licence" means a valid and subsisting licence issued pursuant to this Act;

(m) "mediation" means any form of alternative dispute resolution;

(n) "member" means a person who is registered in the Register and holds a licence;

(o) "Peer Assessment Committee" means a committee appointed by the Board that deals with peer assessment;

(p) "permit" means a permit issued to a professional corporation pursuant to this Act;

(q) "physiotherapist" or "physical therapist" means a person who is licensed to practise physiotherapy pursuant to this Act;

(r) "physiotherapy" or "physical therapy" means the application of professional physiotherapy knowledge, skills and judgement by a physiotherapist to obtain, regain or maintain optimal health and functional performance and includes, but is not limited to,

(i) assessment of neuromusculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems and establishment of a physiotherapy diagnosis,

(ii) development, progression, implementation and evaluation of therapeutic exercise programs,

(iii) education of clients, caregivers, students and other health service providers,

(iv) manual therapy treatment techniques including, but not limited to, massage, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and muscle energy techniques,

(v) spinal and peripheral joint manipulation,

(vi) spinal and peripheral joint mobilization,

(vii) pain relief, including invasive acupuncture,

(viii) administration of physical therapy related medications as prescribed by a physician,

(ix) prescription, manufacture, modification and application of braces, splints, taping, mobility aids or seating equipment,

(x) hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and the use of mechanical, radiant or thermal energy,

(xi) ergonomic evaluation, modification, education and counselling,

(xii) tracheal suctioning, and

(xiii) such other aspects of physiotherapy as may be prescribed in regulations approved by the Governor in Council;

(s) "professional corporation" means a company incorporated pursuant to the Companies Act and this Act for the purpose of carrying on the practice of physiotherapy;

(t) "prescribed" means prescribed by regulations;

(u) "Register" means the Register of the College kept pursuant to this Act;

(v) "registered" means registered pursuant to this Act;

(w) "Registrar" means the person holding the office of Registrar pursuant to this Act;

(x) "spouse" means

(i) a person married to another person,

(ii) a man and a woman who, not being married to each other, live together as husband and wife and have so lived for at least one year, or

(iii) as otherwise defined by the regulations.

3 The words "physiotherapist", "physical therapist" or any like words or expressions implying a person recognized by law as a physiotherapist in the Province, when used in any regulation, rule, order or by-law made pursuant to an Act of the Legislature enacted or made before, at or after the coming into force of this Act, or when used in any public document, includes a person registered in the Register who holds a licence.

4 (1) The Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists constituted by the former Act is hereby continued as a body corporate and is composed of its members.

(2) The College has perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and otherwise dispose of real and personal property, and may sue and be sued.

(3) In order that the public interest may be served and protected, the objects of the College are to

(a) regulate the practice of physiotherapy and govern its members in accordance with this Act and the regulations;

(b) establish, maintain and develop standards of knowledge and skill among its members;

(c) establish, maintain and develop standards of qualification and practice for the practice of physiotherapy;

(d) establish, maintain and develop standards of professional ethics among its members; and

(e) administer this Act and perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as are imposed or conferred on the College by or under any Act.

(4) In addition to any other power conferred by this or any other Act, the College may do such things as it considers appropriate to advance the objects of the College and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may

(a) purchase, take in, lease, exchange, hire, construct and otherwise acquire and hold, sell, mortgage, hypothecate, lease out or otherwise deal with any real or personal property;

(b) draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, warrants and other negotiable and transferable instruments;

(c) engage such agents and employees as it, from time to time, deems expedient;

(d) expend the moneys of the College in the advancement of its objects and the interests of the profession of physiotherapy in such manner as it deems expedient;

(e) establish and maintain such offices and agencies as it deems expedient;

(f) invest and deal with any moneys and funds of the College that are not immediately required, in such manner as it deems expedient;

(g) improve, manage, develop, exchange, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with the real or personal property of the College;

(h) borrow money for the use of the College on its credit, limit or increase the amount to be borrowed, issue bonds, debentures, debenture stock and other securities on the credit of the College and pledge or sell such securities for such sums or at such prices as may be deemed expedient;

(i) do such things as are incidental or necessary to the exercise of the powers referred to in clauses (a) to (h).

5 (1) There shall be an annual meeting of the College at such time and place as prescribed.

(2) An annual report shall be distributed at or before the annual meeting for review by the membership, and shall include a report by an auditor.

(3) Auditors shall be recommended by the Board but shall be subject to the approval of the College at the annual meeting.


6 (1) There shall be a Board of the College to be constituted as provided in Section 7.

(2) The Board shall, subject to this Act, govern, control and administer the affairs of the College and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations

(a) providing for the management of the College, including the keeping of the registers to be kept pursuant to this Act;

(b) providing for the holding of meetings of the College or the Board, quorum requirements and the conduct of such meetings;

(c) fixing the time and place for regular meetings of the Board, determining by whom meetings may be called, regulating the conduct of meetings, providing for emergency meetings and regulating the notice required in respect of meetings;

(d) providing for the appointment of such committees as the Board deems expedient;

(e) respecting the composition, powers and duties of such committees as may be appointed by the Board, and providing for the holding and conduct of meetings of such committees;

(f) respecting the powers, duties and qualifications of the Registrar and the officers, agents and employees of the College;

(g) prescribing fees payable pursuant to this Act by applicants and members and, where the Board deems advisable, designating different classes of applicants and members and prescribing different fees for different classes;

(h) prescribing the fees and allowances of members of the Board and committees and providing for the payment of necessary expenses of the Board and committees;

(i) respecting the recognition of schools and examinations as prerequisites to registration and licensing;

(j) respecting the educational qualifications of applicants for registration as members;

(k) prescribing the seal of the College;

(l) providing for the execution of documents by the College;

(m) prescribing examinations to be written by applicants for registration;

(n) respecting residential qualifications of applicants for registration as members and associate members;

(o) prescribing forms and providing for their use;

(p) providing procedures not inconsistent with this Act for the making, amending and revoking of regulations;

(q) respecting the information to be included in the Register;

(r) prescribing a code of ethics, subject to approval by the College at an annual or special meeting;

(s) governing elections of members of the Board.

(3) The Board may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations

(a) respecting the registration and licensing of members;

(b) respecting continuing-competency requirements, including continuing-education requirements or practice-hour requirements of members for registration;

(c) respecting the limiting or qualifying of a member's licence including, but not limited to, procedures and interventions;

(d) respecting the evaluation of, and licensing requirements of, members and applicants for registration who have not practised physiotherapy for at least one year;

(e) respecting a peer-assessment program in accordance with this Act and programs of continuing education, including requiring members to participate in any such programs and providing for any other matter that will facilitate or give effect to such programs;

(f) respecting supervised practice, monitoring supervised practice and the delegation of acts of physiotherapy and any other ancillary matters, and providing for the establishment of a committee or committees to deal with such matters;

(g) respecting the disciplining of members and the revocation or suspension of licences issued pursuant to this Act;

(h) respecting the reporting and publication of decisions in disciplinary matters;

(i) regulating, controlling and prohibiting the use of terms, titles or designations by members or groups or associations of members in respect of their practice;

(j) prescribing the records and accounts to be kept by members and professional corporations with respect to their practice, and providing for the production, inspection and examination of such records and accounts;

(k) providing that the licence of a member be suspended without notice or investigation upon contravention of any regulation that requires the member to pay a fee, file a document or do any other act by a specified or ascertainable date, and providing for the re-instatement of a licence so suspended;

(l) notwithstanding subsection 7(1), changing the number and characteristics of appointments to the Board;

(m) determining the procedure to be followed at hearings by a disciplinary committee;

(n) prescribing the type of professional liability insurance or other form of malpractice coverage a member shall hold;

(o) respecting supervised practice and the delegation of physiotherapeutic acts and any other ancillary matters;

(p) prescribing the manner of proof as to matters required to be proven by applicants for permits;

(q) fixing reasonable fees payable for the issuance and renewal of permits;

(r) providing that the permit of a professional corporation is suspended without notice or investigation upon contravention of any regulation that requires the corporation to pay a fee or assessment, file a document or do any other act by a specified or ascertainable date, and providing for the re-instatement of a permit so suspended;

(s) prescribing the grounds upon which the Board may review a decision of the Registrar pursuant to subsection 78(7) and the procedures to be followed in reviewing any such decision;

(t) providing for the re-instatement or re-issuance of any permit suspended or revoked pursuant to this Act and prescribing the terms and conditions upon which re-instatement or re-issuance of a permit may be granted;

(u) providing for the creation and maintenance of a register of professional corporations;

(v) providing for the filing of periodic returns by professional corporations;

(w) providing for the annual renewal of permits and prescribing the terms and conditions upon which renewals may be granted;

(x) prescribing the types of names and business names by which

(i) a member as a sole proprietor,

(ii) a professional corporation,

(iii) a partnership with one or more physiotherapists,

(iv) a partnership of two or more professional corporations, or

(v) a partnership of one or more professional corporations and one or more individual physiotherapists,

may be known;

(y) prescribing the nature of communications with the public, including advertising, that may be undertaken by a member as a sole proprietor, a partnership or a professional corporation;

(z) prescribing access to the minute book records of a professional corporation by the Registrar;

(aa) defining any word or expression used but not defined in this Act ;

(ab) further defining any word or expression defined in this Act;

(ac) respecting and governing such other subjects, matters and things as may be required to give effect to the objects of the College and this Act.

(4) All regulations of the College shall be available for inspection by any person, free of charge, at the head office of the College at all reasonable times during business hours.

(5) A certificate purporting to be signed by the Registrar stating that a certain regulation of the College was, on a specified day or during a specified period, a duly enacted regulation of the College in full force and effect constitutes prima facie evidence in any court of that fact without proof that the person who signed it is the Registrar or that it is the Registrars signature.

(6) A resolution in writing, or counterparts of a resolution, signed by two thirds of all members entitled to vote thereon at a meeting of the College is as valid and effective as if duly passed at a meeting of the members of the College.

(7) A member of the Board, or of a committee of the Board or of the College, may participate in any meeting of the Board or committee of the Board or of the College, with the exception of the hearing committee when it is conducting a hearing, as the case may be, by telephone or other communications facilities that permit all persons participating in a meeting to communicate with each other, and a member participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting.

(8) A meeting of the Board, or of a committee of the Board, with the exception of the hearing committee when it is conducting a hearing, or of the College, may be held by conference telephone call or other communications facilities that permit all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other, and all members participating in the meeting by such means are deemed to have been present at the meeting.

(9) Where ten per cent of the membership of the College request in writing, whether by petition or otherwise, that a special general meeting be held, the Board shall hold such meeting within fifteen working days of determining that ten per cent of the members have requested such a meeting.

7 (1) The Board consists of

(a) eight members of the College elected in the manner provided by this Act; and

(b) two persons appointed by the Governor in Council, both of whom are persons who

(i) are not members of the College, and

(ii) have shown an interest in serving on the Board.

(2) Members of the Board shall be elected or appointed to office for a term of two years.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the terms of office of members of the Board upon the first election or appointment of members of the Board shall be

(a) three members of the College elected for a term of one year;

(b) five members of the College elected for a term of two years; and

(c) two persons appointed by the Governor in Council, one for a term of one year and one for a term of two years.

(4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3), persons appointed by the Governor in Council hold office until such time as they are re-appointed, or until their successors are appointed, even if such appointment or re-appointment does not occur until after their specified term of office has expired.

(5) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the persons who, at the coming into force of this Act, make up the Board of the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists pursuant to the former Act constitute the Board until the election or appointment of members pursuant to subsection (3).

(6) Elections required by this Section shall be held no later than six months after the coming into force of this Act.

(7) Only members of the College who practise physiotherapy in the Province are eligible to vote in an election of the Board.

8 (1) Every member in good standing is eligible to be nominated as and vote for a candidate for membership on the Board.

(2) Elected or appointed members of the Board shall not be members of the Board for more than three consecutive terms.

(3) In this Section, "consecutive" means that twelve months or less occurred between the end of one term and the commencement of the next.

9 The Board may make regulations governing elections of members of the Board and in those regulations may

(a) provide for the procedure for the nomination of candidates;

(b) provide for the appointment or designation of presiding officers for the election;

(c) prescribe the forms to be used;

(d) prescribe the procedure to be used for the holding of the elections and for determining the persons elected as members of the Board.

10 Members of the Board shall be elected by secret ballot.

11 The ballots used at an election shall not be destroyed until all petitions pursuant to Section 12 in respect of the election have been decided and, until that time, the ballots shall be retained by the Registrar together with all other papers in connection with the election.

12 (1) A person may petition the Board against the election of a person to the Board by filing a petition with the Registrar within fifteen days after the election.

(2) The petitioner shall state in the petition the grounds on which the election is disputed.

(3) The petitioner shall serve a copy of the petition upon the person whose election is disputed.

(4) Where a petition is filed with the Registrar pursuant to subsection (1), the Board shall hold an inquiry and where

(a) the election is found to be illegal; or

(b) the person is found not to be eligible to be nominated as a candidate for membership on the Board,

shall order that a new election be held.

13 (1) The Registrar

(a) in case of failure in an election to elect the required number of duly qualified members of the Board; or

(b) in case of a vacancy occurring from the death or resignation of a member of the Board or from any other cause,

shall cause an election to be held within sixty days for the purpose of filling the vacancy.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a vacancy occurs for any reason within six months before the date of an election of members of the Board, the vacancy shall be filled at such election.

(3) Where an election is held pursuant to subsection (1) to fill a vacant Board position, the term of office for the vacant Board position shall be the remainder of the unexpired term of such position.

14 An elected member of the Board ceases to hold office where

(a) the member resigns by notice in writing delivered to the Registrar;

(b) the member ceases to be a member in good standing of the College, as defined in the regulations; or

(c) the member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board, unless excused by the Board.

15 (1) The Board shall elect annually from its members a Chair, a Vice-chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer who constitute the Executive Committee.

(2) The Executive Committee

(a) may exercise all of the powers; and

(b) shall perform all the duties,

of the Board with respect to any matters that the Board may delegate to it or that, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, require immediate attention.

(3) The Board shall appoint a Registrar, who must be a physiotherapist as defined by the regulations for the purpose of this subsection and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board, at such salary or other remuneration as the Board determines.

(4) The Board may appoint an Acting Registrar who shall exercise the powers and duties of the Registrar in the event of the death or incapacity of the Registrar or the Registrars absence from the Province.

(5) The Board may appoint such other officers, agents or employees at such salary or other remuneration, and for such term of office, as the Board considers necessary to assist it in carrying out its duties pursuant to this Act.

(6) The Board shall meet at least three times in each calendar year.

16 The Board may appoint annually such committees from among members of the Board or the College as the Board considers necessary to assist it in carrying out its duties pursuant to this Act.

17 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and of the College.

(2) Where the Chair is absent from a meeting, the Vice-chair or, in the Vice-chairs absence, some other member chosen by the members present shall preside at the meeting.

(3) Except in the event of an equal number of votes being given for and against a resolution at any meeting, the Chair or other presiding officer shall not vote.



18 (1) The Board shall keep a Register in which shall be entered the name, address and qualifications of all persons who are entitled pursuant to this Act to be registered in the Register.

(2) The name, address and qualifications of every person who, at the coming into force of this Act, is registered pursuant to the former Act, shall be entered in the Register, but shall continue under any stipulations or limitations attached to the persons previous registration.

(3) The Registrar shall issue a licence to every person who, at the coming into force of this Act, is registered pursuant to Section 5 of the former Act.

(4) Every licence issued pursuant to subsection (3) is subject to any conditions or limitations attached to the registration pursuant to the former Act.

19 (1) The Board shall direct the Registrar to enter in the Register the name, address and qualifications of any person who

(a) has successfully completed the certification exam if prescribed by the regulations;

(b) has successfully completed a physiotherapy program prescribed by the regulations;

(c) satisfies the Board that the person possesses the qualifications required in the regulations for registration in the Register;

(d) complies with this Act and the regulations and any conditions imposed by the Registrar and the Board; and

(e) complies with Section 25.

(2) Upon receiving a direction from the Board pursuant to subsection (1), the Registrar shall

(a) enter the name, address and qualifications of the person named in the direction in the Register; and

(b) issue a licence to the person.


20 (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, where a person applies to be registered pursuant to this Act and the Registrar is satisfied that the person

(a) meets

(i) in a manner that would be satisfactory to the Board, the requirements for registration in the relevant register with such exceptions as may be prescribed by regulations, and

(ii) the requirements of Section 25; and

(b) has paid the prescribed fees,

the Registrar may, before the matter is brought to the Credentials Committee for its direction,

(c) enter the name, address and qualifications of the person in the relevant register; and

(d) issue a licence to the person, subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the regulations, including the maximum period of validity of the registration and the licence.

(2) Every registration made and every licence issued pursuant to this Section is valid and remains in full force and effect until ratified, varied or vacated by the Credentials Committee at a meeting requested by such person or the Registrar, or held at the instigation of the Credentials Committee itself.

(3) Subject to subsection (7), where the registration or licence of a person is varied or vacated pursuant to subsection (2), the Registrar shall give notice to such person forthwith in accordance with Section 69, and the registration or licence of that person is deemed to be varied or vacated as of the date on which service was made or deemed to have been made on the person.

(4) Where the registration or licence of a person is varied or vacated pursuant to subsection (2), the person may request the opportunity to appear before the next scheduled meeting of the Board, with or without legal counsel, where the Board shall consider the application in accordance with this Act.

(5) No member of the Board who considered the application pursuant to subsection (2) shall participate in the Boards consideration of the application.

(6) After hearing the applicant and the Registrar, the Board may

(a) direct the Registrar to issue to the applicant a licence or specialists licence;

(b) direct the Registrar to issue to the applicant a licence or specialists licence subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions as the Board considers appropriate;

(c) adjourn further consideration of the application pending completion by the applicant of such training, upgrading, clinical examinations or other examinations as the Board may designate; or

(d) direct the Registrar to refuse the application where the Board is not satisfied that the applicant meets the criteria set out in subsection (1).

(7) Where a hearing is requested pursuant to subsection (4), the registration or licence of the person requesting the hearing shall not be varied or vacated until the Board has completed its consideration of the application.

21 (1) Where the Registrar is not satisfied with the evidence presented by a person applying for registration, the Registrar

(a) may; or

(b) where the applicant so requests in writing, shall,

refer the matter to the Credentials Committee.

(2) Upon a referral pursuant to subsection (1), the Credentials Committee, in consultation with the Registrar, shall consider the eligibility of the application and may make such inquiries or demand such further information as the Committee sees fit, and the Committee shall consider the application in accordance with this Act.

(3) Where the person requests the opportunity to appear before the Credentials Committee, this request shall be granted and the person may appear with legal counsel.


22 (1) The Board may keep a register, called the Defined Register, in which shall be entered the name, address, qualifications and terms and conditions of registration of all persons who may be entitled pursuant to this Act and the regulations to be registered in the register.

(2) The Board may make regulations, which shall take effect upon approval by a general meeting of the College and by the Governor in Council,

(a) governing the persons or classes of persons who may be registered in the Defined Register;

(b) dividing the Defined Register into parts representing the classes of persons who may be registered;

(c) prescribing the qualifications required for registration in the Defined Register;

(d) prescribing the extent to which and terms and conditions under which persons registered in the Defined Register may engage in the practice of physiotherapy; and

(e) prescribing by whom applications may be made pursuant to this Section, and the procedure on such applications.

(3) The Board may direct the Registrar to register in the Defined Register the name, address and qualifications and terms and conditions of registration of any person who

(a) satisfies the Board that that person possesses the qualifications required for registration in the Defined Register; and

(b) complies with Section 25.

(4) Upon receiving a direction from the Board pursuant to subsection (3), the Registrar shall enter in the Defined Register the name, address and qualifications and any terms and conditions of registration of the person named therein, and issue a licence to the person.


23 (1) The Board may keep a register called the Specialists Register in which shall be entered the name, address, qualifications and specialty of all members who are entitled pursuant to this Act and the regulations to be registered in the register.

(2) The Board may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations

(a) defining classes of specialists in the various branches of physiotherapy;

(b) dividing the Specialists Register into parts representing the classes of specialists as defined by the Board;

(c) prescribing the qualifications required for registration in the Specialists Register;

(d) providing for the regulation and prohibition of the use, terms, titles or designations by members indicating specialization in any branch of physiotherapy.

(3) The Board may direct the Registrar to enter in the Specialists Register the name, address, qualifications and specialty of any medical practitioner who

(a) holds a licence;

(b) satisfies the Board that the practitioner possesses the qualifications required for registration in the Specialists Register; and

(c) complies with Section 25.

(4) Upon receiving a direction from the Board pursuant to subsection (3), the Registrar shall enter in the Specialists Register the name, address, qualifications, specialty and any terms and conditions of registration of the person named therein, and issue a specialist's licence to the person.

24 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, where a person has been convicted or found to be guilty, by a court in or out of Canada, of any offence that is inconsistent with the proper professional behaviour of a physiotherapist, including a conviction under the Criminal Code (Canada) or the Narcotics Control Act, and such person applies for registration, the Registrar and the Board may refuse to register the person, but the Board may, at any time, permit such person to be registered or to remain registered upon such terms and conditions as the Board may direct.

25 Any person who applies for registration pursuant to this Act shall

(a) apply in the prescribed manner;

(b) satisfy the Board that that person is the person named in any diploma or documentation submitted in support of the application;

(c) satisfy the Board that that person is of good character;

(d) provide such information as the Board may require; and

(e) pay the prescribed fee.

26 A member of the College who changes address shall promptly inform the Registrar who shall enter the change in the Register.


27 (1) Every member shall pay to the Registrar, or such person as the Registrar may designate,

(a) at the time that the member is registered; and

(b) on or before a date or dates prescribed by the Board in each year thereafter,

the prescribed annual registration or licence fee.

(2) The licence and specialists licence of any member who fails to pay prescribed annual fees as required by subsection (1) or who fails to comply within the prescribed period with any continuing competence requirements established in regulations shall be suspended in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the regulations.

(3) The Registrar shall forthwith notify, in writing, any person whose licence has been suspended pursuant to this Section.

(4) The prescribed annual licence fees payable by members of the College pursuant to subsection (1) shall be determined by the Board.

28 (1) Where the licence or specialists licence of a member has been suspended pursuant to subsection 27(2), or where there has been non-compliance with continuing competency requirements, or in any other case where the licence or specialists license of a registered person has expired or lapsed pursuant to this Act or the former Act for non-payment of fees, such person may apply to the Registrar for relicensing.

(2) Where a person referred to in subsection (1) satisfies the Registrar

(a) of the persons intention to practise physiotherapy in the Province;

(b) as to the persons activities since the date of the suspension or expiry or lapsing of the persons licence;

(c) that the person has maintained and possesses an appropriate level of skill and knowledge in physiotherapy;

(d) as to the persons good standing in all jurisdictions in which the person has practised physiotherapy since the date of the suspension or expiry or lapsing of the persons licence;

(e) that the person has paid all fees or any other amount owing to the College and such administrative fees as may be prescribed; and

(f) that the person has complied with continuing competency requirements,

the Registrar may issue a licence to such person and issue a specialists licence to such person in the specialities in which the person formerly held a specialists licence.

(3) Where the Registrar is not satisfied with the evidence presented pursuant to subsection (2), the Registrar

(a) may; or

(b) where the applicant so requests in writing, shall,

refer the matter to the Credentials Committee.

(4) Upon a referral pursuant to subsection (3), the Credentials Committee, in consultation with the Registrar, shall consider the eligibility of the application and may make such inquiries or demand such further information as the Committee sees fit, and the Committee shall consider the application in accordance with this Act.

(5) Where the person requests the opportunity to appear before the Credentials Committee, this request shall be granted and the person may appear with legal counsel.

(6) Where the registration or licensing of a person is refused pursuant to subsection (4), the person may request the opportunity to appear before the next scheduled meeting of the Board, with or without legal counsel, where the Board shall consider the application in accordance with this Act.

(7) No member of the Board who considered the application pursuant to subsection (4) shall participate in the Boards consideration of the application.

(8) After hearing the applicant and the Registrar, the Board may

(a) direct the Registrar to issue to the applicant a licence;

(b) direct the Registrar to issue to the applicant a licence subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions as the Board considers appropriate;

(c) adjourn further consideration of the application, pending completion by the applicant of such training, upgrading, clinical examinations or other examinations as the Board may designate; or

(d) direct the Registrar to refuse the application, where the Board is not satisfied that the applicant meets the criteria set out in subsection (2).

29 Every licence or specialists licence issued pursuant to Section 28 is subject to any conditions, limitations or restrictions contained in the licence or specialist's licence that had expired, lapsed or been suspended pursuant to subsection 27(2), unless the Board orders otherwise.


30 The Registrar shall, in each year, cause to be published in the manner prescribed an annual list that includes the names of those persons

(a) who hold a licence;

(b) who hold a specialists licence; and

(c) listed in the Defined Register.


31 (1) The licence or specialists licence of a member may only be surrendered by the member after notice in writing to the Board and with the consent of the Board.

(2) Where a member ceases to be a member for any reason, or where a person ceases to be registered or licensed for any reason, such person remains subject to the jurisdiction of the College in respect of any disciplinary matter arising out of the persons conduct while a member or while registered.


32 (1) A person licensed pursuant to this Act who practises physiotherapy in violation of any condition or limitation contained in the persons licence is guilty of an offence.

(2) A person who practises physiotherapy

(a) while the persons licence is suspended or revoked; or

(b) without a licence,

is guilty of an offence.

33 (1) A member of the College who leaves the Province and practises physiotherapy on the members return to the Province prior to providing the Registrar with a certificate of good standing from all jurisdictions in which the member had practised during such absence is guilty of an offence.

(2) The Board may waive the requirements of subsection (1) and may make regulations exempting members from the requirements of subsection (1) where members have been absent from the Province for a period shorter than the maximum period prescribed in the regulations.

34 (1) Except as provided in this Act or the regulations, no person, other than a physiotherapist who holds a licence, shall

(a) publicly or privately, for hire, gain or hope of reward, practise or offer to practise physiotherapy;

(b) hold himself or herself out in any way to be entitled to practise physiotherapy; or

(c) assume any title or description implying or designed to lead the public to believe that that person is entitled to practise physiotherapy.

(2) No person is entitled to receive a fee, reward or remuneration for

(a) professional services rendered to any person in the practice of physiotherapy; or

(b) physiotherapy appliances supplied to any person in the practice of physiotherapy,

unless registered and licensed at the time the services were provided or the appliances were rendered.

35 A person who knowingly furnishes false information in an application pursuant to this Act, or in any statement or return required to be furnished pursuant to this Act or the regulations is guilty of an offence.

36 (1) In a prosecution for an offence contrary to this Act or the regulations, the onus of proof that a person accused of an offence has the right to practise physiotherapy, or that a person comes within any of the exemptions provided by this Act, is on the person accused.

(2) Where a violation of this Act or the regulations by a person who does not have the right to practise physiotherapy continues for more than one day, the offender is guilty of a separate offence for each day that the violation continues.

(3) For the purpose of this Act, proof of the performance of one act in the practice of physiotherapy on one occasion is sufficient to establish that a person has engaged in the practice of physiotherapy.

37 (1) A person who violates

(a) this Act, except for Sections 74 to 86;

(b) a regulation made pursuant to clause 6(3)(i) or (j); or

(c) a regulation made pursuant to clause 23(2)(d),

is guilty of an offence and the Summary Proceedings Act applies in addition to any penalty otherwise provided for in this Act or the regulations.

(2) All fines and penalties payable under this Act as a result of a prosecution by or on behalf of the College belong to the College.

(3) Any information to be laid pursuant to this Act may be laid by the Registrar or any member of the College authorized by the Board, with the consent of the Minister of Health.


38 Nothing in this Act applies to or prevents

(a) the domestic administration of family remedies;

(b) the practice of the religious tenets or general beliefs of any religious organization;

(c) the furnishing of first aid or emergency assistance in the case of emergency, if such aid or assistance is given without hire, gain or hope of reward;

(d) the manufacture, fitting or selling of artificial limbs or similar appliances;

(e) the practice of medicine by a person who is registered pursuant to the Medical Act;

(f) the practice of optometry by a person who is licensed pursuant to the Optometry Act;

(g) the practice of nursing by a person who is registered pursuant to the Licensed Practical Nurses Act;

(h) the practice of occupational therapy by a person who is licensed pursuant to the Occupational Therapists Act;

(i) the practice of dentistry or dental surgery by a person who is registered pursuant to the Dental Act;

(j) the practice of dispensing optician by a person who is registered pursuant to the Dispensing Opticians Act;

(k) the practice of denturology by a person who is licensed pursuant to the Denturist Act;

(l) the practice of psychology by a person who is licensed pursuant to the Psychologists Act;

(m) the practice of chiropractic by a person who is registered pursuant to the Chiropractic Act;

(n) the practice of pharmacy by a person who is registered pursuant to the Pharmacy Act;

(o) the practice of dietetics by a person who is registered pursuant to the Professional Dietitians Act;

(p) the practice of radiological technology by a person registered pursuant to the Medical Radiation Technologists Act;

(q) the practice of dental technology by a person registered pursuant to Dental Technicians Act; or

(r) the practice of nursing by a person registered pursuant to the Registered Nurses Act.


39 (1) In this Section, "client records" includes all documents, charts, x-rays, photographic film or any other form of record relating to the clients of a member.

(2) Where

(a) a member

(i) dies, disappears, is imprisoned, leaves the Province or surrenders the members licence or specialist's licence,

(ii) is struck off a register or is the subject of suspension of licence or specialist's licence,

(iii) has been found to be an incapacitated or unfit member, or

(iv) neglects the practice of physiotherapy; and

(b) adequate provision has not been made for the protection of the members clients interests,

the College may, with or without notice as the court directs, request the court to appoint a custodian who is a physiotherapist to take possession of the client records of the member.

(3) A custodian appointed pursuant to subsection (2) shall

(a) hold and protect all client records taken into custody; and

(b) distribute copies of the client records, as may be appropriate, to the physiotherapists of the clients concerned, including the member referred to in subsection (2), and to the duly appointed representatives of the clients or the clients themselves unless there are reasonable grounds to believe it would not be in the best interest of the client to make that information available, subject to such fees as the court may direct or the regulations may prescribe.

(4) In an order made pursuant to subsection (2), or in a subsequent order made on the application of the College or the custodian, with or without notice as the court directs, the court may

(a) authorize the custodian to employ professional assistance to carry out the custodians duties;

(b) direct any sheriff to seize, remove and place in the possession of the custodian client records;

(c) where there are reasonable grounds to believe that any client records may be found in any premises, safety deposit box or other receptacle, direct the sheriff to enter the premises or open the safety deposit box or other receptacle;

This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 1999 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Updated April 21, 1999. Send comments to