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2024-03-06_7851_PP: Unparliamentary language

SUSAN LEBLANC: Speaker, I rise on a point of personal privilege. The Premier's language and tactics directed at the Leader of the NDP in Question Period were unacceptable. They directly questioned the integrity of the Leader of the NDP. Earlier today, you told us - you reminded us twice - that this was not allowed.

The Premier's comments that the Leader of the NDP is negative and whiny and hates Nova Scotians comes directly from the misogynist playbook, which could also be titled . . .

THE SPEAKER: Order, please. The member for Dartmouth North has the floor.

2024-02-27_7444_SR: Character of Speaker

ELIZABETH SMITH-MCCROSSIN: Today I rise on a very serious matter. As you know, I have provided notice of a question of privilege.

THE SPEAKER: Order. I have called the daily routine, Presenting and Reading Petitions. Are you rising on other business?

ELIZABETH SMITH-MCCROSSIN: I have a question of privilege that I am rising on today.

THE SPEAKER: Go ahead, please.

The honourable member for Cumberland North.

2023-11-07_7122_SR: No point of order

HON. ZACH CHURCHILL: The Premier, in Question Period, referenced an RCMP investigation into the Liberal Party. I have to state for the House there is no such investigation. The Premier did not table any substantiating . . .

THE SPEAKER: Order. That is not a point of order. A point of order is based on breach of rules of the House. (Interruption) I am correct. It's not a point of order, but perhaps there is something else you would rather say.

The honourable Leader of the Official Opposition.

ZACH CHURCHILL: I'll rise on a point of privilege.

2023-04-11_5813_PP: Timing of Point of Privilege

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ELIZABETH SMITH-MCCROSSIN: Mr. Speaker, I would like to stand on a point of privilege and ask that you would consider this. It is regarding an incident that some time has passed.

THE SPEAKER: Order, please. I'm going to ask the member if she would mind bringing her point of privilege forward after Statements by Members and Question Period.


2022-10-19_3657_SR: Speaking time for disruptions

BRENDAN MAGUIRE: Also, if I could get some clarification from the Chair, that just ate up three and a half minutes waiting for the ruling from the Clerk, it ate up three and a half minutes of my time so I would like to have that time added back on, please.

THE SPEAKER: In light of the amount of time that it did take, the member for Halifax Atlantic will have an additional two minutes put on.

2022-10-14_3315_PP: Intimidation of Speaker by Premier

HON. ZACH CHURCHILL: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege . . . (Interruption)

THE SPEAKER: Order, please. I believe, in fairness, that I might be called as a witness in this point of privilege, so I'm going to ask the Deputy Speaker to take the Chair and I'll excuse myself from the Chair.

[9:09 a.m. Deputy Speaker Angela Simmonds assumed the Chair.]

THE SPEAKER: The honourable Leader of the Official Opposition.
