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2019-03-08_2018_PP: Ldr. Off. Opp./House Ldr. Off. Opp. Misled House

THE PREMIER: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege.

Yesterday, during Question Period, the Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party and the House Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party both suggested to this House that the Attorney General and Justice Minister wrote to the committee to add a name to that committee.

2019-10-02_3631_PP: Constituency office for independent member

ALANA PAON: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege. It is my privilege as a member of this Legislative Assembly to have access to a constituency office whereby staff are able to greet constituents who have questions or concerns, where constituents are able to visit to access information and resources to assist them with their issues, concerns, or projects, in an office where I, as the MLA, can meet with constituents who require my advice or intervention with government programs and services.

2019-10-03_3750_PP: Matters under Speakers administration dealt with privately

ALANA PAON: Mr. Speaker, I am standing today, again, trying to get out a Point of Privilege please, and I know I have to do that before this session is over - may I do that, Mr. Speaker?

Mr. Speaker, as member of this House, again, I want to reiterate that I am extremely concerned that I'm being denied resources for which all members of this House are entitled.

[2:00 p.m.]

2020-03-06_5953_SR: Procedure in committee stifled debate

SPEAKER'S RULING: Procedure in committee stifled debate. (Pt. of privilege by A. MacMaster [Hansard p.5907, 6 March 2020])

THE SPEAKER: Order, please. Good Friday evening to all.

Earlier today the Official Opposition House Leader rose on a point of privilege relating to the proceedings before the Law Amendments Committee. I have taken extensive time and reviewed the video of the proceedings, and I will now deliver my ruling.

2020-03-06_5907_PP: Chair of LAC violated freedom of speech privilege of Opposition Leader

ALLAN MACMASTER: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege.

Earlier today the Chair of the Law Amendments Committee violated the privilege of the Leader of the Opposition by attempting to silence him and stifle his freedom of speech as a member of this Legislature.

When Legislative Counsel advised the Chair of this error, he was not moved. Not only were the Chair's actions a breach of the long-established Rules of this House, but they also went against precedent.

2015-05-11_5333_SR: Premier's Statement not Interference

MR. SPEAKER: Order, please. On the matter of the point of privilege, after consulting with the Clerk and considering comments from both sides of the House, it is my interpretation that the Premier earlier in the media scrum was merely stating his position and his government's position, but there were no comments made as to how he was instructing anybody to vote.
