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2022-07-28_3141_SR: No point of order in QP

ALLAN MACMASTER: Mr. Speaker, the drama that's dripping from that voice. No credit for all of the things that we've been offering to Nova Scotians.

THE SPEAKER: The honourable member for Halifax Citadel-Sable Island.

LISA LACHANCE: I rise on a point of personal privilege. I don't think it's at all appropriate to characterize the nature or voice or emotion of a member.

THE SPEAKER: I would ask that the member bring it forward after Question Period. You can't stand on a point of order during Question Period.

2022-07-28_3151_SR: Offensive comment

SUSAN LEBLANC: Earlier in Question Period, the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board commented on the "drama dripping from the voice" of the member for Cape Breton Centre-Whitney Pier. This comment was wholly inappropriate and offensive.

When a person - a woman member - uses her voice to bring a question forward on behalf of her constituents, she should have the right to be heard without having her voice characterized in any way. "Dramatic," "hysterical": There are many other words like this, and they have a long history of excluding women from conversations.

2022-07-27_3047_SR: Dispute between members

THE SPEAKER: The honourable Minister of Finance and Treasury Board.

HON. ALLAN MACMASTER: I just want to highlight for the record that I never said what the member said. He actually said this yesterday as well, so he's welcome to table what I said in Hansard, but to try to say that I said something else . . .

THE SPEAKER: Order. The member can rise on a point of privilege or a point of order. Was that rising on either of those?

2022-07-27_3020_SR: Privilege

HON. PATRICIA ARAB: I'm rising on a point of privilege, please.

Mr. Speaker, during the beginning of Question Period, the Premier went on record and spoke directly to me, saying that if the member for Fairview-Clayton Park had something to say, maybe they'll let me stand up.

Just since that's on the record, I would like to go on the record as a point of privilege that in this caucus we are a collaborative, supportive, and fully functioning group. I don't need anyone to let me. If I chose to speak, I'd be able to get up and speak.

2022-04-22_2724_PP: Derogatory comment intimidating

ELIZABETH SMITH-MCCROSSIN: This is difficult to do, but I would also like to stand on a point of privilege. Last night I stood on a point of order because I was watching the Premier directing the Chair on numerous occasions. Soon thereafter, the Premier stood loud enough for everyone in the Chamber to hear, and he made a derogatory comment meant to intimidate and meant to embarrass me - and he did. It was very upsetting.

2022-04-22_2722_PP: Intimidating behaviour

HON. KELLY REGAN: Mr. Speaker, I wanted to rise on a point of privilege about something that happened last evening. One of our members here in the House was upset and a couple of us went out to comfort her. We were standing by the mailboxes, doing just that, when the Minister of Economic Development walked by us and said, "Coven meeting." I asked her if she had, in fact, just called us witches. She walked back and confirmed that yes, that is exactly what she had done.

2022-04-22_2718_SR: Privilege rulings

For context, the House will remember that all three questions pertained to the examination of Bill No. 149 by the Law Amendments Committee. I've reviewed the facts and surrounding circumstances for each question in light of the usages and precedence of the Rules of the House, and in light of the applicable legal authorities.

2022-04-19_2451_PP: Freedom of speech in committee

LISA LACHANCE: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege. Earlier today, the Chair of the Law Amendments Committee violated my privilege as an MLA by not recognizing me to speak, by silencing me, and by stifling my freedom of speech as a member in this Legislature. The Chair refused to acknowledge my hand up. I appealed to the Chair, was ignored, and despite my concerns, continued to be ignored. Other members were likewise treated.

2022-03-31_1756_PP: Obstruction

SUSAN LEBLANC: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege - personal privilege. Earlier today, during Statements by Members, I rose to speak about Transgender Day of Visibility and a local film production that celebrates and honours the lives of trans people. During my statement, the Premier talked very loudly throughout at a level that was very distracting. I felt that I was not able to do my job, and I was obstructed from doing my job. I found it quite disrespectful.
