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2015-04-09_3506_PO: Visitors Access to Gallery

HON. CHRISTOPHER D'ENTREMONT: Mr. Speaker, can you indulge me on a point of order, please, or a couple of points of order?

Number one is the accessibility of our public gallery. This is the people's House and yet for a while, probably through three-quarters of the minister's speech, there were two people sitting in the west gallery. I was wondering if you could have a quick look at why people were restricted in joining us to listen to this important speech where they are finding whether they are being affected or not by the minister's budget.

2014-10-28_1524_SR: Agriculture Minister Misled the House in Statement in Debate

The second point of privilege was raised on October 21st by the honourable member for Kings North who complained that the honourable Minister of Agriculture had misled the House on October 8th with respect to an interview he had given some time before that date. The particulars of which interview the minister might have given were not set out in the debate on October 8th, but the member for Kings North tabled a transcript of a September 30th interview when he raised his point of privilege on October 21st.

2014-10-28_1523_SR: Interim Leader of the NDP Misled the House in Quote

MR. SPEAKER: Order, please. Before we begin the daily routine I'm going to provide the Speaker's Rulings on the outstanding three points of privilege.

The first point was raised on October 16th by the honourable Minister of Finance and Treasury Board who complained that the honourable Interim Leader of the NDP had misled the House in quoting from a briefing note during Question Period on October 15th. The point was raised the next sitting day, so there are no issues of timeliness, the matter having been raised at the earliest opportunity.

2014-10-23_1365_PP: Premier Deliberately Misleading the House

HON. MAUREEN MACDONALD: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege today, and in accordance with Rule 29(2) I have given you notice of my intention to rise on this question of privilege.

Tuesday, October 21st, during Oral Questions Put by Members to Ministers, the Premier stated, ". . . I want to remind this House that in 2006 it was the New Democratic Party that voted against a national child care plan that would have dealt with this issue not only for this province but indeed the entire country."

2013-05-10_2507_SR: Matter of Privilege and Contempt a Prima Facie Case of Breach of Privilege

HON. KEITH COLWELL: Mr. Speaker, I rise to raise a question of privilege and I am doing so at the earliest opportunity. Yesterday in the House of Assembly I was assaulted and threatened by the Minister of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism; he is also the member for Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank.
