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2011-04-27_1243_SR: Member misquoted

We will begin the daily routine. Yesterday after Question Period the honourable member for Kings West rose on a point of privilege, to the effect that in responding to a question, the Premier had said something with respect to the member having not read a letter from government, when the member had actually said that the government did not respond in a significant way.

SPEAKER'S RULING: Member says he was misquoted. (Pt. of privilege by Mr. L. Glavine [Hansard p. 1205, 04/26/11]) Not a breach of privilege, but a disagreement between members over facts.

2011-04-26_1205_PP: Member misquotated

MR. LEO GLAVINE: A point of privilege, Mr. Speaker. During Question Period today when the Premier responded to my question, he said to the effect that while I did not read the letter that came from government, in fact my exact quote is that government did not respond in a significant way, as the tape which I reviewed this weekend.

I just wanted to let the Premier know that while I responded, as the people of the Valley know, it was not in a significant way. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2011-05-04_1727_PP: Comment by Minister

HON. KAREN CASEY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker and I rise today on a Point of Privilege. During Question Period, in some preliminary comments that were made by the Minister of Education about me, I found to be personal, found them to be uncalled for and I found them to have no bearing on the question that was asked or the response that should have been given. So, Mr. Speaker, I would ask you, as Speaker, to review those comments in the context in which they were given and to rule on the appropriateness of those comments. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2011-05-09_1933_SR: Comment by Minister

Before I start the daily routine, on Wednesday, May 4th, immediately following Question Period, the member for Colchester North rose on a point of privilege. Her complaint was that during Question Period a preliminary comment that was made by the Minister of Education in answering a question was about the honourable member and that she found the comment to be personal, uncalled for, and of no bearing on the question that was asked.

2011-12-01_4649_SR: Gov't curtailment of debate at Law Amendments Committee

SPEAKER'S RULING: Gov't Curtailment of debate at Law Amendments Committee. (Point of privilege by Hon. Manning MacDonald [Hansard p. 4616, 11/30/11]) Situation underpinning the point of privilege did not come to pass; no prima facie case of breach of privilege.

Yesterday the honourable House Leader of the Official Opposition rose on a point of privilege arising from what he described as the government's move to curtail debate at the Law Amendments Committee. This was based on the same situation that had been raised earlier yesterday as a point of order.

2011-11-30_4616_PP: Curtailment of Law Amendments debate

HON. MANNING MACDONALD: Mr. Speaker, on a point of privilege. The discussion that has taken place regarding the Law Amendments Committee, there seems to be some confusion in government's responses to the questions asked today. It is still unclear how many the government has relented on that will be heard from tomorrow. I put this in written form, so you can rule on it at your leisure and there will be a form for the Clerk.

2010-03-26_0087_PP: Misrepresenting Facts

HON. CHRISTOPHER D'ENTREMONT: Mr. Speaker, on a point of privilege. The member opposite knows full well that it was our government and this minister that got
Bayside started. If he wants to finish it, that is fine. If this minister wants to finish it, that is fine. But this minister, when I was a minister (Interruptions) Because he's lying to people.

MR. SPEAKER: Honourable member, that language is not acceptable here in this House. You know that, I know that, all the members of this House know that.

2010-03-30_0169_SR: LIEB Fiscal Policy Formulation

SPEAKER'S RULING: LIEB Fiscal Policy Formulation (Pt. of Privilege by Hon. M. Samson [Hansard p. 29, 03/26/10]) not a matter of privilege

Secondly, I have a Speaker's Ruling I want to read from an issue that was raised here in the House the other day. The honourable member for Richmond rose on a matter of privilege on Friday, March 26, 2010. The Chair reserved dealing with the matter and indicated a decision would be provided at a later date.

2010-04-22_1167_PP: Premier Absent for Estimates

HON. MURRAY SCOTT: Mr. Speaker, on a point of personal privilege. I want to table here, in a moment, a memorandum that was faxed to our caucus office at 9:52 this morning, and I'll read it in the interests of the House being aware of what it says. It says:

"Please be advised that Premier Darrell Dexter will be absent from the Legislative Assembly on Friday, April 23rd, 2010."
