Legislative committees allow for detailed examination of matters in a way that would not be possible in the larger House of Assembly. They are composed of Members of the Legislative Assembly from all parties, who are appointed by the House to examine and report on specific areas. Members of the public may observe the proceedings during public meetings. There are three kinds of legislative committees:
Standing Committees
Permanent committees established under the Rules and Forms of Procedure of the House of Assembly. They may study matters within specific areas of responsibility as outlined in the Rules, or matters referred to them by the House. They may also undertake studies on their own initiative.
Committees of the Whole House
These include all MLAs and they meet in the legislative chamber. If the House recesses to sit as one of these committees, the Mace is placed under the table, the Speaker leaves the chamber, and the Chair of the Committee of the Whole, the Deputy Speaker, takes the Speaker's place at the head of the table. The Rules of the House apply, but there is no limit on the number of times a member may speak.
View committees of the whole house.
Select or Special Committees
These ad hoc committees are created by an order or resolution of the House of Assembly to investigate a particular issue. In Nova Scotia, there is no difference between a select and a special committee.
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This week in committees
October 8, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Committee Room
One Government Place, Granville Level
1700 Granville Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Protection of Health Data
Department of Health and Wellness
- Dana MacKenzie, Deputy Minister
Department of Cyber Security and Digital Solutions
- Natasha Clarke, Deputy Minister
Nova Scotia Health
- Karen Oldfield, Interim President and CEO
- Scott McKenna, Chief Information Officer
College of Physicians and Surgeons of NS
- Dr. Gus Grant, Registrar and CEO