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Library Services

Services to the public

Members of the public may visit the library and use the collection during regular daytime hours. Library materials may be borrowed through interlibrary loan, with some exceptions; reference books, legislative materials, and fragile texts may only be used in-house. Loans are for two weeks. Staff assistance to the public may be limited depending on the activities of the House of Assembly.

Parts of the collection are stored off-site. There may be a delay retrieving items for use by library visitors. For greater certainty, please contact the library before your visit.

Service to Nova Scotia government employees

Nova Scotia government employees may borrow from the collection. Loans are for two weeks and may be renewed by phone or email. Selected material, such as reference books, legislative documents and fragile items may only be used in-house.

Hours of operation

Regular hours

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

During the Session

The Library is open to MLAs and staff at all hours when MLAs are in the Chamber, but only open to the general public during regular hours.


2nd Floor,
Province House
1726 Hollis Street 
B3J 2P8
Phone number: 

4. Can I do research at / borrow books from the Legislative Library?

The library is open to the general public from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.  Circulating materials may be borrowed directly by MLAs and their staff, press, and Nova Scotia government employees. The general public may request material on interlibrary loan through their local library.