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2022-03-24_1459_PP: Unparliamentary language

THE PREMIER: Mr. Speaker, I completely reject the premise that the significant investments this government has made to support Nova Scotians are small. I completely reject the premise that they're insignificant. I think they're very significant in the lives of Nova Scotians. I think if the member was honest about the steps we've taken in so many areas around supporting . . .

THE SPEAKER: Order, please. The Premier cannot express whether a person is honest or not, so I'd ask him to withdraw that.

[Page 1447]



HON. KELLY REGAN: Yesterday, we were treated to the unusual sight of the Premier coming into this House to speak in Committee of the Whole House on Bills. He decided at the end of his remarks to take aim at one of my colleagues, Mr. Speaker, one of my colleagues who really has overcome a lot of obstacles to be here in this House, a colleague who was dropped off at the shopping mall by his parents never to be picked up - grew up in care, lived on the streets.

2016-11-01_827_SR: Unparliamentary comment


C.B. Richmond MLA made Unparliamentary comment by C.B. Richmond MLA (Point of Privilege by Mr. A. MacMaster [Hansard p761, 10/28/16]) Not a breach of privilege

A challenge to repeat a defamatory comment outside the Chamber is not a breach of the privileges of a member who has made the defamatory comment in this House under the protection of parliamentary privilege.

2017-02-16_1998_SR: Time limits at Law Amendments Committee

HON. CHRISTOPHER D'ENTREMONT: I stand tonight on a point of privilege, Mr. Speaker. I regret to say that this government willingly impeded my ability to do my parliamentary duty. In this government's race to deny democracy and railroad Bill No. 75 back into this House, they denied my right to hear at least 75 per cent of those who sought to appear before the Standing Committee on Law Amendments.

2017-02-16_1997_SR: Decorum at committee

MR. TIM HOUSTON: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege.

Last night during late debate, towards the end, the member for Halifax Atlantic made some derogatory statements about me. It is part of an escalating theme wherein the last session he made some gestures to me, some obscene gestures. Last night he made clearly some derogatory statements to me. He questioned my integrity and he questioned my honour. He questioned my motives as a member of this House.

2017-04-26_2379_PP: Electoral boundaries process unconstitutional

HON. STERLING BELLIVEAU: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege.

I came to this House yesterday hoping that the government was ready to take action to lay out a plan outlining how the electoral boundaries issue would be resolved before the next election. Unfortunately, my hopes were dashed. I take this to mean that the Premier is officially refusing to address this issue before the next general election.

2021-04-13_1248_SR:Tabling documents

TIM HOUSTON: Mr. Speaker, on a point of order. It's been entertaining to listen to the minister's discussion tonight about facts and integrity and truth, but I do want to go back to something that I asked the minister earlier this evening, to table some documents which we haven't seen. We've heard some references to it.

2021-03-09_0009_PP: COVID changes to Rules of the House

ALANA PAON: Mr. Speaker, I don't take lightly rising in this House on a point of privilege. We're about to see a government motion come forward to change the rules of the House so that we may actually sit in a hybrid manner, which is . . .

THE SPEAKER: Order, please. Is the honourable member raising a point of privilege?

ALANA PAON: I am raising a point of privilege.

THE SPEAKER: Did the honourable member serve due notice to the Speaker one hour in advance of the sitting?

2018-09-26_803_PP: Committee Changing Rules of the House

HON. CHRISTOPHER D'ENTREMONT: Mr. Speaker, I am rising on a point of privilege today.

I'd first like to emphasize that this point is firmly and fundamentally rooted in the first and last rules of the Rules and Forms of Procedure of this House of Assembly. I am outraged that any member of this House would even attempt to change the Rules of this House by using the majority in committee. Does the Liberal Government not read the Rules of this House?
