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BILL NO. 119

(as passed)

1st Session, 64th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
2 Charles III, 2023


Private Member's Bill


Endometriosis Awareness Month Act




Susan Leblanc
Dartmouth North


First Reading: March 31, 2022 (LINK TO BILL AS INTRODUCED)

Second Reading: November 8, 2023

Third Reading: November 8, 2023

Royal Assent: November 9, 2023

An Act to Provide for the Designation
of Endometriosis Awareness Month

WHEREAS endometriosis is a common condition experienced by one in 10 women, trans and non-binary people of reproductive age and can cause debilitating conditions, including chronic pelvic pain, and is sometimes associated with infertility;

AND WHEREAS there is no cause yet known for the disease, and diagnostics and treatment can often be severely delayed from the onset of symptoms;

AND WHEREAS in many cases, people can go up to eight years or longer without a diagnosis;

AND WHEREAS research shows that youth with endometriosis symptoms are more likely to miss one or more days of school per month, causing them to fall behind in their studies and leading to adverse effects on their grades and self-confidence, and adults with endometriosis can lose 10 hours of productivity per week, costing the Canadian economy an estimated $1.8 billion per year;

AND WHEREAS increasing public awareness of endometriosis is imperative as many people spend years unaware their symptoms are abnormal;

AND WHEREAS delays in diagnosis and treatment can negatively impact education, work and quality of life for those with endometriosis;

AND WHEREAS this is an opportunity to educate the public about this common yet misunderstood disease and to encourage conversations and education around what is a "normal" period;

THEREFORE be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 This Act may be cited as the Endometriosis Awareness Month Act.

2 Throughout the Province, in each and every year, March shall be kept and observed under the name Endometriosis Awareness Month.


This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2023 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created November 9, 2023. Send comments to