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Queens Regional Municipality Act (amended)


1st Session, 57th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
47 Elizabeth II, 1998


Local Bill


Queens Regional Municipality Act



John G. Leefe


First Reading: October 28, 1998

Second Reading: November 9, 1998

Third Reading: November 17, 1998 (NO AMENDMENTS)

Royal Assent: December 3, 1998


An Act to Amend Chapter 9
of the Acts of 1995,
the Queens Regional Municipality Act

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 Clause 71(8)(a) of Chapter 9 is repealed and the following clause substituted:

    (a) for the ten fiscal years commencing April 1, 1996, the Council may authorize different commercial and residential tax rates in each former municipal unit by phasing down or up the rates that applied within the municipal unit immediately before April 1, 1996;

2 Subsection 76(3) of Chapter 9 of the Acts of 1995, the Queens Regional Municipality Act, is repealed and the following subsections substituted:

    (3) The Council may recover annually from the area the amount required or so much of that sum as the Council considers advisable to collect in any one fiscal year by an area rate of so much on the dollar on the assessed value of the taxable property or occupancy assessments in the area.

    (3A) The Council may provide in the resolution setting the area rate that the area rate applies only to the assessed value of one or more of the taxable commercial, residential or resource property or occupancy assessments in the area.

3 Subsection 76(6) of Chapter 9 is repealed and the following substituted:

    (6) For the ten fiscal years commencing on April 1, 1996, the Council may authorize the levying and collecting of a separate area rate within each former municipal unit for debt charges arising from debt outstanding immediately before April 1, 1996.


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