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Agriculture Administration Amendment (2001) Act


(as passed)

2nd Session, 58th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
50 Elizabeth II, 2001

Government Bill

Agriculture Administration Amendment (2001) Act


The Honourable Ernest L. Fage
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries

First Reading: April 17, 2001

Second Reading: May 25, 2001

Third Reading: June 1, 2001

Royal Assent: June 1, 2001

An Act Respecting the
Administration of Agriculture

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 This Act may be cited as the Agriculture Administration Amendment (2001) Act.

2 Subsection 51(1) of Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2000, the Agricultural Marshland Conservation Act, is amended by adding immediately after clause (i) the following clause:

(ia) specifying land for the purpose of subsection 41(6);

3 Clause 52(1)(i) of Chapter 22 is repealed.

4 Chapter 4 of the Acts of 1990, the Beef Commission Act, is repealed.

5 Subsection 2(1) of Chapter 91 of the Acts of 1959, An Act to Incorporate the Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition, as enacted by Chapter 130 of the Acts of 1969, is amended by

(a) striking out clause (d); and

(b) striking out "three" in the first line of clause (e) and substituting "four".

6 Chapter 263 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Livestock Loans Guarantee Act, is repealed.

7 Chapter 366 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Nova Scotia Grain and Forage Commission Act, is repealed.

8 Sections 2 and 3 have effect on and after November 30, 2000.


This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2001 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created June 5, 2001. Send comments to