A meeting of the House of Assembly
Management Commission was held on Thursday,
November 3, 2022 at 10am in the Committee Room of One Government Place.
Present were Hon. Keith Bain, Chair, Hon. Allan MacMaster, John White for the Hon. Kim Masland, Trevor Boudreau for Danielle Barkhouse, Hon. Derek Mombourquette, Susan Leblanc and Chief Clerk James Charlton (Non-voting).
Also present were Matthew Timmons, Director of Operations and Administration, Office of the Speaker and Gordon Hebb, KC, Chief Legislative Counsel.
The meeting was called to Order by the Chair, Mr. Bain at 10am.
1) Minutes of the September 29, 2022 Meeting
It was moved by Mr. MacMaster and seconded by Mr. Mombourquette that the minutes of the September 29, 2022 meeting be approved as circulated.
2) New Business:
Regulation Change – Deputy Speaker Salary
The Chair noted that a copy of the proposed amendment to the House of Assembly Management Commission Regulations had been circulated in advance of the meeting.
The Chief Clerk advised that the proposed amendment enacts a new section 40A of the Regulations and explained that the amendment effectively sets the floor on the pay of individual Deputy Speakers as $12,500. This is accomplished by authorizing an additional payment to each Deputy Speaker when there is more than one Deputy Speaker such that for each Deputy Speaker the sum of the salary payable under clause 42(1)(b) of the House of Assembly Act and the additional payment must be $12,500. The additional payment is paid on a bi-weekly basis in synchronicity with the payment of the Deputy Speaker salary under the House of Assembly Act and is payable for the duration of any period during which there is more than one Deputy Speaker.
The Chair asked for a motion that the proposed amendment to the House of Assembly Management Commission Regulations to enact section 40A be approved, and for someone to second the motion.
It was moved by Mr. White and seconded by Mr. Boudreau.
3) Adjournment
No other business being raised, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 10:03am.
These minutes were approved by the Management Commission on ___________, 2022.
Chief Clerk