A meeting of the House of Assembly Management Commission was held by video conference on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.
Present were: Chair, Hon. Kevin Murphy, Hon. Geoff MacLellan, Ms Rafah DiCostanzo, Mr Brendan Maguire, Hon. Chuck Porter, Mr Allan MacMaster, Ms Karla MacFarlane, Ms Claudia Chender and Mr James Charlton, Chief Clerk.
Also present were Ms Deborah Lusby, Director of Administration, Office of the Speaker and Mr Gordon D. Hebb, QC, Chief Legislative Counsel.
The Chair requested the consent of the Management Commission for Mr Maguire to participate by audio only. Mr MacMaster indicated that members should be present on both video and audio. Ms MacFarlane asked for an explanation for the delay in getting Mr. Maguire’s video functioning, advising that she understood it had been a problem in legislative committee meetings. She further noted that members were told that they had to be visible on video when appearing virtually. The Chair advised that all members who participate in the House of Assembly Management Commission meetings in the future would be present with both audio and video. The Chair then asked for and received the consent of the Commission to allow Mr. Maguire to participate by audio only.
1) Minutes of December 16, 2020 meeting
It was moved by Ms Rafah DiCostanzo and seconded by Hon. Chuck Porter that the minutes of the December 16, 2020 meeting be approved as circulated.
2) 2020-21 3rd Quarter Financials
The 2020-21 3rd Quarter Financials were circulated in advance of the meeting. Ms Lusby indicated that by the end of the 3rd quarter, one would normally expect to see 75 per cent budgets spent. However, she noted that the amount spent was much less than that, mainly due to reduced travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
3) Audit Committee 2020 Annual Report
The 2020 Annual Report of the Audit Committee of the House of Assembly Management Commission was circulated in advance of the meeting. Mr Charlton indicated that the report summarizes the duties, composition and activities of the Audit Committee and was approved by the Audit Committee at its January 12, 2021, meeting.
It was moved by Mr Allan MacMaster and seconded by Ms Rafah DiCostanzo that the 2020 Annual Report of the Audit Committee of the House of Assembly Management Commission be approved.
4) House of Assembly Management Commission 2020 Annual Report
The 2020 Annual Report of the House of Assembly Management Commission was circulated in advance of the meeting. Mr Charlton indicated that the report summarizes the mandate, composition and activities of the House of Assembly Management Commission and its Audit Committee.
It was moved by Hon. Geoff MacLellan and seconded by Mr Brendan Maguire that the 2020 Annual Report of the House of Assembly Management Commission be approved and that the Chair be directed to table the report in the House of Assembly when the House next sits.
5) Holding of Next Meeting
Mr. Charlton indicated that the members of the Commission were polled before the last two meetings to obtain their unanimous consent to meet virtually and that, in the absence of a motion to authorize a virtual meeting, this practice of polling would continue as long as meetings are required to be held virtually due to the pandemic. He advised that, as an alternative to polling, the Commission could pass a motion to authorize the next meeting to be held virtually. Ms Chender indicated that she would not favour removing the requirement to poll the members for all future meetings but would support a motion to authorize the next meeting to be held virtually.
It was moved by Ms Rafah DiCostanzo and seconded by Hon. Geoff MacLellan that the House of Assembly Management Commission be authorized to meet virtually, if necessary, the next time it meets.
The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
These minutes were approved by the Management Commission on May 4, 2021.
Chief Clerk