Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Via Video Conference
Printed and Published by Nova Scotia Hansard Reporting Services
Hon. Keith Bain (Chair)
Hon. Angela Simmonds
Hon. Kim Masland
Hon. Allan MacMaster
Danielle Barkhouse
Hon. Derek Mombourquette
Hon. Keith Irving
Claudia Chender
James Charlton, Chief Clerk of the House of Assembly
(Non-Voting Member)
In Attendance:
Speaker’s Office Adviser
Deborah Lusby,
Director of Administration
Office of the Speaker
Gordon Hebb,
Chief Legislative Counsel
4:00 P.M.
Hon. Keith Bain
Angela Simmonds
ANGELA SIMMONDS: Good afternoon, everyone. I want to call the meeting for the House of Assembly Management Commission meeting to order.
I would ask that the committee members consent to the Speaker of the House and Chair be in attendance on phone during this meeting because he was unable to join by Zoom.
Is it agreed?
It is agreed.
Thank you. I’ll turn it over to the Chair.
THE CHAIR: Again, just some reminders. Keep your mic muted until you’re called upon to speak, wait until the Chair has recognized you to unmute your mic, and indicate your wish to speak by just saying “Speaker.” I will recognize you from there.
We’ll begin with introductions.
[The commission members introduced themselves.]THE CHAIR: Also, we’ll acknowledge the presence of our Chief Legislative Counsel Gordon Hebb, and Director of Administration Deborah Lusby, who have joined us as well.
The first item of business is the approval of the minutes. The minutes were circulated in advance of the meeting. Are there any corrections required to these minutes?
Hearing none, I’ll ask for someone to move to adopt the minutes of the January 11, 2022 meeting.
DANIELLE BARKHOUSE: I will move to adopt the minutes from January 11, 2022.
HON. KIM MASLAND: I can second that.
THE CHAIR: Moved and seconded. All those in favour? Contrary minded. Thank you.
The motion is carried.
Also, the 2020-21 audit report was circulated in advance of the meeting. With that, I’ll recognize the Chief Clerk to speak to this item.
The report contains three different opinions. Normally, you’re probably used to receiving two opinions. There are two that are given annually, but once every general assembly we receive a third opinion. We received that third opinion this past year. The three opinions provided were as follows:
An unmodified opinion that the House of Assembly’s expenditures complied in all significant respects, with the specified requirements established in Section 22(5)(b) of the House of Assembly Management Commission Act, for the year ended March 31, 2021;
An unmodified opinion that the Chief Clerk’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls of the House of Assembly is in all material respects, fairly stated, and that the internal controls were operating effectively for the year ended March 31, 2021; and
An unmodified opinion that the House of Assembly complied in all significant respects with the specified requirements established in Section 23(1) of the House of Assembly Management Commission Act for the period of April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2021.
THE CHAIR: Thank you for that. Are there any questions or discussion on the Chief Clerk’s summary?
Hearing none, I would ask someone move to accept the 2020-21 audit report as presented by the Clerk. Do we have someone to make that motion, please?
ANGELA SIMMONDS: I can second.
THE CHAIR: All those in favour? Contrary minded. Thank you.
The motion is carried.
Next on the agenda is the appointment of the auditor. Once again, I’ll recognize the Chief Clerk to speak to this item.
JAMES CHARLTON: Thank you, Chair. The commission must appoint an auditor on advice of the Audit Committee every year. As in the past, the Auditor General is recommended for this appointment and, indeed, has already presented an audit plan to the Audit Committee.
THE CHAIR: I’ll ask for someone to move that the Auditor General be appointed as auditor of the of accounts of the House of Assembly for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, pursuant to Section 22 of the House of Assembly Management Commission Act.
THE CHAIR: All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.
The motion is carried.
Next on the agenda is the Report of the Audit Committee of HAMC for 2021. The report was circulated in advance of this meeting as well, and once again I’ll recognize the Chief Clerk to speak to this item.
JAMES CHARLTON: The Report of the Audit Committee of HAMC for 2021 was reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee on January 11, 2022, and it must now be approved by the House of Assembly Management Commission. That’s what’s being asked today.
THE CHAIR: Are there any questions or discussion? Hearing none, I’ll again ask for a motion that the Report of the Audit Committee of HAMC for 2021 be accepted and approved by the commission.
KIM MASLAND: I can move that, Chair.
THE CHAIR: Do we have a seconder? MLA Barkhouse.
THE CHAIR: Moved and seconded. All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.
The motion is carried.
Next is the of the House of Assembly Management Commission 2021 Annual Report. Again, this annual report was circulated in advance of this meeting. Are there any questions or discussion on the annual report of the House of Assembly Management Commission?
Hearing none, I’ll once again ask for someone to move that the House of Assembly Management Commission 2021 Annual Report be accepted and approved by the Commission.
THE CHAIR: All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.
The motion is carried.
Now we’ll move into the financials. There are two reports: the final fourth-quarter report for 2020-21, and the second-quarter report for 2021-22. Again, these financials were circulated in advance of the meeting. I’ll recognize the Director of Administration to speak to these items.
DEBORAH LUSBY: The Chair just said what I would say - that they have been circulated in advance. These are the finals for March 31, 2021. The first opportunity for the commission to meet to review these. They also include the second-quarter report for the 2021-22 year, which is as of September 30, 2021. There’s a lot of information here, so if you have any questions any time, feel free to reach out and I can answer them.
THE CHAIR: Are there any questions or discussion at this point of the meeting? Hearing none, we’ll note that the agenda of the Management Commission has been completed and the meeting is concluded.
Again, I apologize for you not being able to look at my pretty face, but maybe you’re lucky. With that, the meeting stands adjourned. Thank you all so much.
[The commission adjourned at 4:15 p.m.]