Ceremonies and Events

Special Events
Special events include occurrences at Province House that are not directly related to the House of Assembly and its operations. Past special events have included commemorations of historical occurrences such as Treaty Day and the Founding of the Assembly as well as speeches in the House of Assembly by dignitaries such as the Chief Justice and Governor General of Canada. Awards provided to private citizens and members of the assembly that are of a legislative nature are also included.
After an election, successful candidates are deemed MLA Elect. They cannot enter the House of Assembly and act as the Member of the Legislative Assembly until they are officially sworn in by the Lieutenant Governor. After the swearing-in ceremony they become Members of the Legislative Assembly.
Legislature Events
Legislative events are special occurrences at Province House that directly relate to the House of Assembly and its operations.
Lieutenant Governor Events
The installation of a new Lieutenant Governor involves a number of ceremonial events, including the administration of the Oath of Allegiance by the Chief Justice of Nova Scotia (or his/her designate); the presentation of the Great Seal of the Province, which is then transferred to the Minister of Justice, and the presentation of the Royal Key.