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August 30, 2022
Standing Committees
Human Resources
Meeting summary: 

Legislative Chamber
Province House
1726 Hollis Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Appointments to Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Meeting topics: 




























Tuesday, August 30, 2022



Legislative Chamber/Video Conference





Appointments to Agencies, Boards and Commissions









Printed and Published by Nova Scotia Hansard Reporting Services





Nolan Young (Chair)

Larry Harrison (Vice Chair)

Dave Ritcey

John A. MacDonald

Melissa Sheehy-Richard

Hon. Tony Ince

Ali Duale

Kendra Coombes

Suzy Hansen


[John A. MacDonald was replaced by Chris Palmer.]

[Melissa Sheehy-Richard was replaced by Kent Smith.]





In Attendance:


Judy Kavanagh

Legislative Committee Clerk


Gordon Hebb

Chief Legislative Counsel












10:00 A.M.



Nolan Young


Vice Chair

Larry Harrison



THE CHAIR: Order. I call the meeting to order. This is the Standing Committee on Human Resources. I’m Nolan Young, MLA for Shelburne. I’m the Chair of this committee. Today we’re going to review ABCs, or Agencies, Boards, and Commissions. I’d ask everyone if you could put your phones on silent. We have a new member on our committee, the honourable Tony Ince, MLA for Cole Harbour.


I’m going to ask committee members if they could introduce themselves for the record, stating their name and constituency, starting with MLA Hansen.


[The committee members introduced themselves.]


THE CHAIR: You’ll notice that MLA Kendra Coombes is taking part virtually today. The committee has given unanimous consent through an email poll, and Legislative Counsel has advised that the committee must agree on whether the member participating virtually may take part in any voting conducted today.


Is it agreed?


It is agreed.


For the purposes of Hansard, I recognize the presence of Chief Legislative Counsel Gordon Hebb, and Legislative Committee Clerk Judy Kavanagh.


On the agenda today, we have appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions. MLA Ritcey.


DAVE RITCEY: For the Department of Community Services, I move that Phil Warren and Jennifer Collishaw be appointed as Members to the Board of Management of the Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre.


THE CHAIR: Any discussion on this motion?


All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.


The motion is carried.


MLA Ritcey.


DAVE RITCEY: For the Department of Finance and Treasury Board, I move that James (Jim) Kavanaugh and Carol Barr be appointed as Members to the Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation.


THE CHAIR: Any discussion on this motion?


All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.


The motion is carried.


MLA Harrison.


LARRY HARRISON: For the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration, I move the following appointments to the Arbitration Advisory Committee: Akivah Starkman, Allison McGrath, and Noella Martin, each as Member, Employer Representative; Tracey Pinder, Shawn Fuller, and David Wallbridge, each as Member, Trade Union Representative; and Barney Dobbin as both Member and Designated Chair.


THE CHAIR: Any discussion on this motion?


All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.


The motion is carried.


MLA Harrison.


LARRY HARRISON: For the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration, I move that Dylan Meisner be appointed as Member, Employer Representative to the Minimum Wage Review Committee.


THE CHAIR: Any discussion on this motion?


All those in favour? Contrary minded? Thank you.


The motion is carried.


We will be doing agenda setting on our September 27th meeting, so please send your proposed topics to the committee clerk by the 14th of September.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 27, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We’ll be doing agencies, boards, and commission appointments, as well as agenda setting.


The meeting has adjourned.


[The committee adjourned at 10:04 a.m.]