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BILL NO. 294

(as introduced)

1st Session, 64th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
1 Charles III, 2023


Private Member's Bill


Patient Safety Act


Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin
Cumberland North

First Reading: April 3, 2023

(Explanatory Notes)

Second Reading:

Third Reading:

Explanatory Notes

Clause 1 adds definitions for the terms "adverse event", "health services", "Minister" and "patient".

Clause 2 removes language rendered unnecessary by a new definition.

Clause 3 requires

(a) a health authority to maintain a comprehensive and responsive system for receiving, investigating and resolving patient complaints respecting adverse events; and

(b) the Minister of Health and Wellness to appoint a patient safety and quality advisory committee.

Clause 4 allows the Governor in Council to make regulations prescribing

(a) the manner and time frame for investigating and resolving patient complaints respecting adverse events; and

(b) activities to be undertaken by the patient safety and quality advisory committee.

An Act to Amend Chapter 13
of the Acts of 2012,
the Patient Safety Act

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 Section 2 of Chapter 13 of the Acts of 2012, the Patient Safety Act, is repealed and the following Section substituted:

    2 In this Act,

    (a) "adverse event" means an occurrence involving a health authority that results in an outcome that negatively affects a patient's health or quality of life;

    (b) "health authority" has the same meaning as in the Health Authorities Act;

    (c) "health services" has the same meaning as in the Health Authorities Act;

    (d) "Minister" means the Minister of Health and Wellness;

    (e) "patient" means a person who is receiving or has received, or is attempting or has attempted to receive, health services from a health authority.

2 Section 3 of Chapter 13 is amended by striking out "of Health and Wellness" in the first line.

3 Chapter 13 is further amended by adding immediately after Section 4 the following Sections:

    4A (1) A health authority shall ensure that a comprehensive and responsive system is in place for patients to make complaints respecting adverse events.

    (2) Where a patient makes a complaint respecting an adverse event, a health authority shall, in carrying out the requirement in subsection (1),

    (a) open an investigation file immediately;

    (b) maintain regular contact with the patient throughout the investigation; and

    (c) thoroughly investigate and resolve the complaint in a manner and within a time frame prescribed by the regulations.

    4B (1) The Minister shall appoint a patient safety and quality advisory committee.

    (2) The patient safety and quality advisory committee shall

    (a) advise the health authorities on matters relating to patient safety and quality assurance;

    (b) measure, monitor and assess patient-safety indicators and the quality of health services;

    (c) identify effective practices and make recommendations to improve patient safety and the quality of health services;

    (d) assist in implementing and evaluating patient-safety and quality-assurance improvements;

    (e) consult and engage with regulatory bodies of health professions when appropriate;

    (f) report annually to the Minister on its activities; and

    (g) undertake other activities as prescribed by the regulations.

4 Subsection 5(1) of Chapter 13, as amended by Chapter 32 of the Acts of 2014, is further amended by adding immediately after clause (c) the following clauses:

    (ca) prescribing the manner and time frame for investigating and resolving patient complaints respecting adverse events;

    (cb) prescribing activities to be undertaken by the patient safety and quality advisory committee;


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