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(as introduced)

1st Session, 64th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
70 Elizabeth II, 2021


Private Member's Bill


Free Menstrual Products Act


Lorelei Nicoll
Cole Harbour–Dartmouth

First Reading: November 2, 2021

Second Reading:

Third Reading:


An Act to Provide Free Menstrual Products

WHEREAS Nova Scotians living on low incomes, who are experiencing homelessness or who are from a marginalized community often have difficulty accessing or affording necessary menstrual products;

AND WHEREAS menstrual poverty can lead to menstruators missing work, school and other activities and opportunities;

AND WHEREAS all Nova Scotians deserve equal access to menstrual products;

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 This Act may be cited as the Free Menstrual Products Act.

2 In this Act,

(a) "menstrual poverty" means the inability to afford menstrual products;

(b) "menstrual products" includes absorbent pads, panty liners, tampons and menstrual cups;

(c) "Minister" means the Minister of Health and Wellness.

3 Subject to Section 4, the Minister shall ensure that free menstrual products are available in the public washrooms of all publicly accessible service offices run by the Government, Nova Scotia Health and the IWK Health Centre, including but not limited to

(a) Access Nova Scotia sites;

(b) Department of Community Services offices;

(c) courthouses;

(d) hospitals;

(e) Registry of Motor Vehicles offices; and

(f) Residential Tenancy Board offices,

on or before June 30, 2022.

4 In order to comply with Section 2, the Minister may collaborate with any member of the Executive Council the Minister deems appropriate.

5 The money required for the purpose of Section 2 must be paid out of money appropriated for that purpose by the Legislature.


This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2021 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created November 2, 2021. Send comments to