(as introduced)
1st Session, 64th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
70 Elizabeth II, 2021
Local Bill
Town of Lunenburg School Annex Lands Act
The Honourable Susan Corkum-Greek
First Reading: October 22, 2021
Second Reading: October 26, 2021
Third Reading: November 4, 2021 (LINK TO BILL AS PASSED)
An Act to Clarify the Title
to Town of Lunenburg School
Annex Lands on the Tannery Road
1 This Act may be cited as the Town of Lunenburg School Annex Lands Act.
2 Notwithstanding any enactment and subject to any existing lease executed by the Town of Lunenburg, the lands described in the Schedule are vested in the Town of Lunenburg in fee simple.
3 Notwithstanding any enactment or any absence of subdivision approval, the lands described in the Schedule are a single lot.
4 This Act does not affect any right of Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited, the occupier of two abutting areas shown on the Plan of Survey referenced in the Schedule, to maintain its existing chain link fence along the common boundary lines in its present location.
ALL and singular that certain parcel or tract of land, situated, lying and being at Town of Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, being designated Lot TOL1, and more particularly shown on Plan 20,153, prepared by Berrigan Surveys Limited, Nova Scotia Land Surveyors, dated October 8, 2021, which said lot may be more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point marked by a survey marker, marking the northeastern side line of Tannery Road, which said point marks the northwestern corner of the herein described lot, the southwestern corner of property of AGL Group Holdings Limited and being located at a bearing of South 23 degrees 32 minutes 20.4 seconds East (grid bearings) for a distance of 13202.76 feet from Nova Scotia High Precision Network Coordinate Monument No. 216725.
THENCE from said point so located North 44 degrees 16 minutes 26 seconds East along a southeastern side line of said AGL Group Holdings Limited property, 88.25 feet to a survey marker, marking the most northern corner of the herein described lot.
THENCE South 45 degrees 42 minutes 16 seconds East along a southwestern side line of said AGL Group Holdings Limited property, 111.66 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE North 39 degrees 09 minutes 10 seconds East along the southeastern side line of said AGL Group Holdings Limited property, 54.25 feet to a survey marker, marking a northeastern corner of the herein described lot and the southwestern side line of Parcel 2016-3, property of H.M. In Right of Canada.
THENCE South 05 degrees 40 minutes 28 seconds East along Parcel 2016-3, 18.34 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 35 degrees 03 minutes 46 seconds West along the northwestern side line of area occupied by Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited, 32.96 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 40 degrees 00 minutes 02 seconds West along the northwestern side line of Parcel 2016-2, 19.25 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 16 degrees 59 minutes 18 seconds West along the northwestern side line of Parcel 2016-2, 7.19 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 32 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds West along the northwestern side line of area occupied by Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited, 60.72 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 50 degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds East along the southwestern side line of area occupied by Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited, 35.83 feet to a survey marker, marking an eastern corner of the herein described lot and the northwestern corner of property of Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited.
THENCE South 40 degrees 20 minutes 05 seconds West along the northwestern side line of said Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited property, 15.54 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 40 degrees 55 minutes 52 seconds West along the northwestern side line of said Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited property, 49.51 feet to a survey marker, marking the most northern corner of Parcel B, property of Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited.
THENCE South 40 degrees 50 minutes 23 seconds West along the northwestern side line of Parcel B, 39.87 feet to a survey marker, marking the most northern corner of Lot A, property of Colin Whitcomb & Susan MacCallum-Whitcomb.
THENCE South 40 degrees 46 minutes 12 seconds West along the northwestern side line of Lot A, 4.02 feet to a survey marker.
THENCE South 38 degrees 10 minutes 08 seconds West along the northwestern side line of Lot A, 55.31 feet to a point, marking the most southern corner of the herein described lot and the northeastern side line of Tannery Road.
THENCE North 09 degrees 37 minutes 48 seconds West along the northeastern side line of Tannery Road, 35.10 feet to a point.
THENCE North 00 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds East along the eastern side line of Tannery Road, 29.75 feet to a point.
THENCE continuing North 00 degrees 05 minutes 25 seconds East along the eastern side line of Tannery Road, 70.82 feet to a point.
THENCE northwesterly along the northeastern side line of Tannery Road, along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 205.15 feet, an arc distance of 108.92 feet to a survey marker, marking the place of beginning, tie line between the last two mentioned survey markers described as North 15 degrees 05 minutes 36 seconds West for a distance of 107.64 feet.
The herein described lot of land contains an area of 24,555 square feet.
Together with any easements appurtenant thereto.
Subject to any right which may exist, for the owners from time to time of the house at 37 Tannery Road in the existing pipe leading from the footing drain at the said house to a sewer line on Lot TOL1, the approximate location of which is shown on the aforesaid Plan of Survey as "Approximate Location of Basement Stormwater drain".
Subject to a 15.00 feet wide access right of way in favour of PID 60053246, as described in Document No. 118770081.
Subject to a 25 feet wide right of way in favour of Lunenburg Foundry & Engineering Limited as described in Book 499, Page 625, No. 3542.
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2021 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created October 22, 2021. Send comments to