(as introduced)
1st Session, 63rd General Assembly
Nova Scotia
67 Elizabeth II, 2018
Health Authorities Act
Tammy Martin
Cape Breton Centre
First Reading: February 27, 2018
Second Reading:
Third Reading:Explanatory Note
(a) requires meetings of the board of directors of the provincial health authority be open to the public;
(b) lists matters that may be discussed in a closed board meeting and requires a limited record to be made available to the public of the closed meeting;
(c) requires minutes of public meetings to be made available to the public; and
(d) requires the posting of the date, time and location of all board meetings on the provincial health authority’s website no less than 10 days in advance of the meeting date.
An Act to Amend Chapter 32
of the Acts of 2014,
the Health Authorities Act,
Respecting Board Meetings
1 Chapter 32 of the Acts of 2014, the Health Authorities Act, is amended by adding immediately after Section 57 the following Section:
- 57A (1) Notwithstanding clause 20(1)(f) and subject to subsection (2), meetings of the board of the provincial health authority must be open to the public.
(2) The board may meet in closed session to discuss matters relating to
(a) acquisition, sale, lease and security of property;
(e) litigation or potential litigation;
(f) legal advice eligible for solicitor-client privilege; and
(3) No decision may be made at the closed session of the board except a decision concerning procedural matters or to give direction to staff, or solicitors for, the board.
(4) A record that is open to the public shall be made of a closed session, noting the fact that the board met in closed session, the type of matter that was discussed, as set out in subsection (2), and the date of the meeting, but no other information.
(5) The board shall post on the homepage of the provincial health authority’s website, the date, time and location of all board meetings, no less than 10 days before the scheduled meeting date.
(6) Any person may view board minutes, other than for a closed session, after they are adopted.
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2018 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created February 27, 2018. Send comments to