(as introduced)

1st Session, 63rd General Assembly
Nova Scotia
66 Elizabeth II, 2017
An Act Respecting
Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
Hugh MacKay
Chester–St. Margaret's
First Reading: October 4, 2017
Second Reading: October 17, 2017
Third Reading: October 26, 2017 (LINK TO BILL AS PASSED)
An Act Respecting
Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:
1 (1) The name of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, a body corporate incorporated by Chapter 84 of the Acts of 1879, An Act to Incorporate the Home Mission Board of the Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, is changed to "Atlantic Baptist Mission Board of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada".
(2) A reference in any enactment or document to the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches under that name or any other name that was previously authorized by statute, is, as regards any subsequent transaction, matter or thing, to be held and construed as a reference to the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.
(3) No rights, duties, obligations or liabilities of the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches is in any way affected by the change of name made by this Act and those rights, duties, obligations and liabilities continue to be vested in and are binding upon it under the name "Atlantic Baptist Mission Board of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada".
2 (1) The name of the Pension and Insurance Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, a body corporate incorporated by Chapter 130 of the Acts of 1891, An Act to incorporate the Board of the Ministers' Annuity Fund of the Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces, is changed to "Pension and Benefits Board of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada".
(2) A reference in any enactment or document to the Pension and Insurance Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches under that name or any other name that was previously authorized by statute is, as regards any subsequent transaction, matter or thing, to be held and construed as a reference to the Pension and Benefits Board of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.
(3) No rights, duties, obligations or liabilities of the Pension and Insurance Board of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches are in any way affected by the change of name made by this Act and those rights, duties, obligations and liabilities continue to be vested in and are biding upon it under the name "Pension and Benefits Board of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada".
3 Section 1 of Chapter 130 of the Acts of 1891, An Act to incorporate the Board of the Ministers' Annuity Fund of the Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces, as amended by Chapter 129 of the Acts of 1909, is further amended by striking out "the United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces" in the sixth and seventh lines and substituting "Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada".
4 Section 3 of Chapter 114 of the Acts of 1950, An Act Respecting the Home Mission Board of The United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces, is amended by striking out "the United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces" in the second and third and in the seventh and eighth lines and substituting in each case "Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada".
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2017 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created October 26, 2017. Send comments to