BILL NO. 127
(as introduced)
2nd Session, 62nd General Assembly
Nova Scotia
64 Elizabeth II, 2015
Labour Standards Code
The Honourable Kelly Regan
Minister of Labour and Advanced Education
First Reading: November 19, 2015
Second Reading: November 20, 2015
Third Reading: December 8, 2015 (LINK TO BILL AS PASSED)
Explanatory Notes
(a) increases the unpaid compassionate-care leave from eight to 28 weeks;
(b) allows an employee to end and to re-start the unpaid compassionate-care leave during the 52 weeks following the first day of the week when the leave was commenced; and
(c) clarifies that when the leave is re-started after 26 weeks, a further medical certificate is not required.
Clause 3 makes the amendments effective on January 3, 2016.
An Act to Amend Chapter 246
of the Revised Statutes, 1989,
the Labour Standards Code
Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:
1 Section 60A of Chapter 246 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Labour Standards Code, is repealed and the following Section substituted:
2 (1) Subsection 60E(2) of Chapter 246, as enacted by Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003 (2nd Session), is amended by striking out "eight" in the third line and substituting "twenty-eight".
(2) Subclause 60E(3)(b)(ii) of Chapter 246 is repealed and the following subclause substituted:
(3) Section 60E of Chapter 246, as enacted by Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003 (2nd Session), is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (3) the following subsection:
3 This Act has effect on and after January 3, 2016.
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2015 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created December 9, 2015. Send comments to