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Volunteer Fire Services Act (amended)


(as introduced)

2nd Session, 60th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
56 Elizabeth II, 2007

Private Member's Bill

Volunteer Fire Services Act

Wayne J. Gaudet

First Reading: December 6, 2007

(Explanatory Note)

Second Reading:

Third Reading:

Explanatory Note

This Bill increases from $500 to $1000 the maximum compensation that a firefighter can earn and be a volunteer firefighter for the purpose of the Volunteer Fire Services Act.

An Act to Amend Chapter 13
of the Acts of 2002,
the Volunteer Fire Services Act

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 Section 3 of Chapter 13 of the Acts of 2002, the Volunteer Fire Services Act, is amended by

(a) adding "(1)" immediately after the Section number;

(b) striking out "or" at the end of subclause (d)(i) ;

(c) striking out the period at the end of subclause (d)(ii) and substituting ", or";

(d) adding immediately after subclause (d)(ii) the following subclause:

(iii) subject to subsection (2), money or any other thing of value in lieu of compensation in excess of one thousand dollars per year.


(e) adding the following subsection:

(2) The moneys required for the purpose of this Act by the application of subclause (1)(d)(iii) shall be paid out of moneys appropriated for that purpose by the Legislature.

This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2007 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created December 6, 2007. Send comments to