BILL NO. 116
(as introduced)
2nd Session, 59th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
55 Elizabeth II, 2006
Workers' Compensation Act
Russell MacKinnon
Cape Breton West
First Reading: May 12, 2006
Second Reading:
Third Reading:
Explanatory Note
This Bill changes the annual indexing factor for permanent-impairment benefits, extended earnings-replacement benefits, survivor pensions and dependent-child benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act and permanent pensions payable pursuant to a predecessor Act from one half the percentage change in the consumer price index to the full percentage change in the consumer price index.
An Act to Amend Chapter 10
of the Acts of 1994-95,
the Workers' Compensation Act
1 Subsection 70(1) of Chapter 10 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Workers' Compensation Act, is amended by striking out "one half of" in the third line.
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2006 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created May 19, 2006. Send comments to