BILL NO. 116

1st Session, 57th General Assembly
Nova Scotia
47-48 Elizabeth II, 1998-99
Davis (Miners Memorial) Day Act
Robert L. Chisholm
Halifax Atlantic
First Reading: June 10, 1999
Second Reading:
Third Reading:
An Act Respecting
a Day of Mourning for Miners
Killed, Disabled or Injured in the Mines
Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:
WHEREAS it is desirable that Nova Scotians should designate a day to remember miners killed, disabled or injured in the mines;
AND WHEREAS Miners Memorial Day has traditionally been observed on June 11th to honour all Nova Scotian miners who have met an untimely death and is also known as Davis Day in honour of William Davis, a slain miner;
AND WHEREAS Nova Scotians seek earnestly to set an example of their commitment to the issue of health and safety in the mines;
THEREFORE be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:
1 This Act may be cited as the Davis (Miners Memorial) Day Act.
2 Throughout Nova Scotia, in each year, June 11th shall be known as Davis (Miners Memorial) Day for miners killed, disabled or injured in the course of their work.
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 1999 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created June 10, 1999. Send comments to