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Increasing Immigration to Nova Scotia Act


(as introduced)

5th Session, 61st General Assembly
Nova Scotia
62 Elizabeth II, 2013

Private Member's Bill

Increasing Immigration to Nova Scotia Act

Diana Whalen
Halifax Clayton Park

First Reading: March 28, 2013

Second Reading:

Third Reading:

An Act to Provide for the Establishment
of an Entrepreneur Stream under
the Nova Scotia Nominee Program

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 This Act may be cited as the Increasing Immigration to Nova Scotia Act.

2 In this Act,

(a) "Advisory Council" means the Immigration Advisory Council;

(b) "Minister" means the Minister of Immigration;

(c) "Nominee Program" means the Nova Scotia Nominee Program established pursuant to the Canada-Nova Scotia Co-operation on Immigration Agreement dated September 19, 2007, between the Minister on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Province and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada.

3 The Advisory Council shall recommend criteria for evaluating applicants under an Entrepreneur Stream to be established under the Nominee Program.

4 The criteria recommended by the Advisory Council may include

(a) a minimum threshold for an applicant's personal net worth;

(b) a minimum threshold for equity investment;

(c) the amount of a refundable deposit to guarantee the establishment or purchase of a business in the Province by the applicant;

(d) the amount of time within which an applicant must establish or purchase a business before the deposit mentioned in clause (c) is forfeited by the applicant; and

(e) a minimum number of jobs that must be created in the Province for Canadian citizens or permanent residents within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).

5 (1) The Advisory Council shall submit a report of its recommendations to the Minister no later than September 15, 2013.

(2) The Minister shall prepare a response to the Advisory Council's report and , within fifteen days of receiving the report pursuant to subsection (1), table the report and the Minister's response in the House of Assembly if the House is then sitting or, if it is not then sitting, file the report and the Minister's response with the Clerk of the Assembly.

6 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting any matter or thing the Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable to carry out effectively the intent and purpose of this Act.

(2) The exercise by the Governor in Council of the authority contained in this Section is regulations within the meaning of the Regulations Act.


This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2013 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created March 28, 2013. Send comments to