BILL NO. 111

(as passed, with amendments)

4th Session, 61st General Assembly
Nova Scotia
61 Elizabeth II, 2012

Government Bill

Fur Industry Act


The Honourable John MacDonell
Minister of Agriculture

First Reading: November 1, 2012 (LINK TO BILL AS INTRODUCED)

Second Reading: November 8, 2012

Third Reading: November 27, 2012 (WITH COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS)

Royal Assent: December 6, 2012

An Act to Amend Chapter 4
of the Acts of 2010,
the Fur Industry Act

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 Section 2 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2010, the Fur Industry Act, is amended by

(a) relettering clause (a) as clause (aa) and adding immediately before that clause the following clause:

(b) adding ", and includes any building or structure used to house the animals or store waste" immediately after "purposes" in the second line of clause (e);

(c) striking out the period at the end of clause (h) and substituting a semi-colon; and

(d) adding immediately after clause (h) the following clauses:

2 Section 4 of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "development and management" in the second line of clause (f) and substituting "sustainability";

(b) striking out "promotion and enhancement" in the second line of clause (g) and substituting "sustainability"; and

(c) striking out "lease" in the third line of clause (h) and substituting "permit".

3 Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after Section 4 the following Section:

4 Subsection 5(2) of Chapter 4 is repealed and the following subsection substituted:

5 Section 7 of Chapter 4 is repealed.

6 (1) Subsection 9(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "or partnership" in the first line; and

(b) striking out clauses (a) and (b) and substituting "a valid operating licence".

(2) Section 9 of Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (1) the following subsection:

(3) Subsection 9(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "license" in the first line and substituting "licence".

7 (1) Subsection 10(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 10(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "stipulated by the Minister" in the second line and substituting "required by the regulations".

(3) Subsection 10(3) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first and in the second lines and substituting in each case "Administrator".

(4) Subsection 10(4) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(5) Subsection 10(5) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "The Minister" in the first line and substituting "Where required pursuant to subsection 9(1A), the Administrator".

(6) Section 10 of Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (5) the following subsection:

(7) Subsection 10(6) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second line and substituting "Administrator".

(8) Subsection 10(7) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second and third lines and substituting "Administrator".

8 (1) Subsection 11(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 11(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "stipulated by the Minister" in the second line and substituting "required by the regulations".

(3) Subsection 11(3) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first and in the second lines and substituting in each case "Administrator".

(4) Subsection 11(4) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(5) Subsection 11(5) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "Minister may issue" in the first line and substituting "Administrator may issue or amend"; and

(b) striking out "standards" in the second line and substituting "requirements".

(6) Subsection 11(6) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "An amended site approval permit is required" in the first line and substituting "The holder of a site approval permit shall apply for an amended site approval permit"; and

(b) striking out "standards established in" in the third line and substituting "requirements established by the".

(7) Section 11 of Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (6) the following subsections:

9 (1) Subsection 12(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 12(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the third line and substituting "Administrator".

10 (1) Subsection 13(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the third line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 13(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

11 (1) Subsection 14(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "cancel" in the first line and substituting "revoke".

(2) Subsection 14(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "cancelled" in the second line and substituting "suspended or revoked"; and

(b) adding "terms and" immediately after "any" in the second line.

(3) Subsection 14(3) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "cancel" in the first line and substituting "revoke";

(b) striking out "of cancellation" in the second line; and

(c) striking out "licence or permit" in the last line and substituting "application for the licence or permit or to another address provided by the holder for that purpose".

(4) Subsection 14(4) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "cancellation" in the first line and substituting "revocation"; and

(b) striking out "void and of no effect" in the fourth line and substituting "suspended or revoked, as the case may be".

12 Section 15 of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "regulations".

13 (1) Subsection 16(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second line and substituting "regulations".

(2) Subsection 16(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second and third lines and substituting "regulations".

14 (1) Clause 17(1)(d) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "mink or mink waste" in the second line and substituting "prescribed animals or waste from prescribed animals".

(2) Subsection 17(4) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "The Minister may" in the first line and substituting "Subject to the regulations, the Administrator may and, where required by the regulations, shall".

(3) Section 17 of Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (6) the following subsection:

15 Subsection 18(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "(b" immediately after clause (a) and substituting "(b)";

(b) adding "and" at the end of clause (b);

(c) striking out "; and" at the end of clause (c) and substituting a period; and

(d) striking out clause (d).

16 (1) Subclause 19(2)(b)(i) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 19(3) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second and in the fourth lines and substituting in each case "Administrator".

(3) Subsection 19(4) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator"; and

(b) striking out "items" in the first line and substituting "property".

(4) Subsection 19(5) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first, in the second and in the fourth lines and substituting in each case "Administrator".

17 Chapter 4 is further amended by

(a) renumbering subsection 20(1) as Section 20; and

(b) renumbering subsection 20(2) as Section 20A.

18 Subsection 20(1) of Chapter 4, renumbered as Section 20 by this Act, is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first and in the third lines and substituting in each case "Administrator".

19 (1) Clause 20(2)(a) of Chapter 4, renumbered as clause 20A(a) by this Act, is amended by striking out "Minister" in the third line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Clause 20(2)(c) of Chapter 4, renumbered as clause 20A(c) by this Act, is amended by

(a) striking out "includes" in the first line and substituting "include"; and

(b) striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

20 (1) Subsection 21(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second and in the third lines and substituting in each case "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 21(3) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "Minister" in the first and second and in the second lines and substituting in each case "Administrator";

(b) striking out "materials" in the second line of clause (b) and substituting "property"; and

(c) striking out "Minister" in the second and third lines of clause (c) and substituting "Administrator".

(3) Subsection 21(4) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(4) Subsection 21(6) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the second line and substituting "Administrator".

(5) Subsection 21(7) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minster" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(6) Section 21 of Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (8) the following subsections:

21 Subsection 22(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "commits an offence under this Act or the regulations" in the first and second lines and substituting "fails to comply with or otherwise contravenes this Act or the regulations, and a director or officer of a corporation who authorizes, permits or concurs in such a contravention by the corporation, is guilty of an offence and upon summary conviction".

22 Section 24 of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "cancelled or forfeited" in the second line and substituting "suspended or revoked";

(b) striking out "as is prescribed by the regulations or" in the fourth and fifth lines; and

(c) striking out "cancellation or forfeiture" in the fifth line and substituting "suspension or revocation".

23 Subsection 25(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "accepted agricultural" in the third and fourth lines and substituting "normal farm".

24 (1) Subsection 27(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 27(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

(3) Subsection 27(3) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

25 (1) Subsection 28(1) of Chapter 4 is repealed and the following subsection substituted:

(2) Subsection 28(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the first line and substituting "Administrator".

26 (1) Subsection 29(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "Minister" in the last line and substituting "Administrator".

(2) Subsection 29(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) striking out "Minister" in the second line of clause (a) and substituting "Administrator"; and

(b) striking out "Minster" in the first line of clause (b) and substituting "Administrator".

27 Subsection 33(1) of Chapter 4 is repealed and the following subsections substituted:

28 (1) Subsection 34(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out ", soil and air by a designated professional" in the second and third lines and substituting "and soil by a person who is independent of the farm operation and has the training required by the regulations".

(2) Subsection 34(2) of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "requested by the Minister" in the second line and substituting "required by the regulations".

29 Chapter 4 is further amended by adding immediately after Section 34 the following Section:

30 Section 35 of Chapter 4 is repealed and the following Sections substituted:

31 Subsection 36(1) of Chapter 4 is amended by

(a) adding immediately after clause (e) the following clause:

(b) adding immediately after clause (k) the following clauses:

(c) striking out clause (n) and substituting the following clause:

(d) adding immediately after clause (q) the following clause:

(e) adding immediately after clause (t) the following clauses:


(f) striking out "by" in the first line of clause (u) and substituting "but".

32 Section 39 of Chapter 4 is amended by striking out "prevails" in the third line and substituting "or the regulations prevail".

33 Section 40 of Chapter 4 is repealed and the following Section substituted:

This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2012 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created December 12, 2012. Send comments to