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October 31, 2000
Standing Committees
Human Resources
Meeting topics: 
Human Resources -- Tue., Oct. 31, 2000

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9:00 A.M.


Mr. Mark Parent

MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for coming out first thing in the morning. We would like to officially welcome Maureen, who is replacing Eileen on the committee. We know that you will contribute much to the committee, Maureen, so we thank you very much for coming on. Also, today Michel is subbing for Wayne Gaudet - this is just for this meeting? - no, permanently. We welcome two new, permanent members to the committee, Michel and Maureen, and thank you for your presence this morning. We also welcome, just for this meeting because Tim Olive has a bad back - he phoned me this morning, he tried to pick up his granddaughter and he did in a fashion that hurt his back - Jon Carey, who is subbing in for him this morning. So welcome to all of you.

Before we start into the ABCs, I would ask your permission to deal with correspondence first. We have two items of correspondence, just move that up on the agenda. I would like to meet with the members of the subcommittee after the meeting. I am dying to get a meeting of that subcommittee. Darrell, are you . . .

MR. DARRELL DEXTER: We haven't decided. We ordered the transcripts of the subcommittee meeting so that we could review what went on throughout the meetings. We have the report and it is being considered now. We will determine who is going to be . . .

MR. CHAIRMAN: So then I guess we won't have a meeting of the subcommittee members, because you haven't even picked your representative at this stage.

MR. DEXTER: We are going to do that very shortly.


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MR. CHAIRMAN: If I could encourage that; we would like to get that subcommittee meeting going. If we could just deal with the correspondence, unless anyone has any objection. You have two items of correspondence that came out of the meeting last time when we dealt with ABCs. You will remember I sent four letters out I think it was, on your behalf, on various issues. We have two responses, one from the Minister of Labour, and this was a particular concern of Mr. MacKinnon; and one from the Minister of Tourism, Rodney MacDonald. They are there and I don't think they need any further discussion, unless you want to discuss them. We have responses to our queries to both those ministers. Is there any discussion, any questions, anything anybody wants to say before we move on?

Hearing none, we will proceed to the ABCs. I assume we will be getting responses to my other letters: one to the Minister of Education and the other was to the Minister of Justice. One was about gender representation and the other was just explaining the decision on the Acadian nominees. I assume we will be getting responses to those by next meeting.

If you would turn to your orange page, we will start. We don't have a large slate. It is always my wish as Chairman that the meeting goes smoothly, but that is really in your hands, not mine. So could we have the nomination - typically we have been handling it by groups, so if you want to handle it individually or by groups, it really doesn't matter. I should probably ask that at the start of each meeting.

MR. JON CAREY: Mr. Chairman, for the Farm Loan Board, I would like to see them handled separately.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Just for the Farm Loan Board or for all of them?

MR. CAREY: The Farm Loan Board, as far as I am concerned.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Any objections? Okay, let's deal with that one. Any thoughts on the other boards? Do you want them en bloc?

MR. DEXTER: Mr. Chairman, if I can, I think it was up to the movers to decide how they were going to move the nominations.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. We will leave it up to the movers. We will go forward with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, please give the department, the board and the name for the record. I will entertain a motion. Is anyone prepared to move the first name or the first two names, or however you want to do it for the Farm Loan Board?

MR. DONALD DOWNE: I have no problem with moving both names. Do you want to do both or singles?

MR. CHAIRMAN: It is up to the mover, really.

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MR. DOWNE: I will nominate Donald Sproule as Vice-Chairman.

MR. CHAIRMAN: So we are doing them separately. We have a motion for Donald Sproule as Vice-Chairman. For the record, could you give the whole spiel.

MR. DOWNE: I move Donald Sproule as Vice-Chairman for the Farm Loan Board, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

MR. CAREY: Mr. Chairman, if I might, this candidate has been on the board for six years, and I think everyone should be aware - maybe they are - that the Farm Loan Board is an extremely important board to the farm-agricultural community. Usually the representation, from my understanding of the way it is going now, the appointments that have been made, is to have a diversification, good people from all segments of the farming community. We have the fruit growers represented, we have the dairy producers, we have farm management in general. I think we need people on there from all sectors of the agricultural industry. I think we need people there who are current with the farming community, who are involved now, who are keeping up to speed on the processes and the technology and the marketing. The hog industry, which is one I think this gentleman would probably be as knowledgeable, and has represented in the past, and if on the board, would have input.

This gentleman has been out of farming for over 10 years, as an owner. He hasn't been a member of the Pork or the Turkey Marketing Board since, I think, 1990. The hog industry is probably one of the more volatile businesses in farming. The ups and downs are very critical, they happen rapidly. I feel that someone should be there who is on top of this industry, involved in the industry on a daily basis, and who would know whether a business plan for a loan would be a good thing and understands the current conditions and market conditions.

I have problems with this candidate on that basis. I believe we should be looking at a person who is actively involved, who knows the situation. We have the hog industry, which has been hit with high-production costs and low prices in the last few years. These people who are in the hog industry require innovative people and they have been innovative, and they are certainly doing a tremendous job in the efficiencies of their farms. But, if a crisis comes, we need people who can react with knowledge that they have on hand and who can understand their situation and make a reasonable decision. For that reason, I couldn't support this candidate.

MR. DEXTER: What Mr. Carey just said is a very interesting perspective. I guess it points, again, to the problem that we have been experiencing on this committee for a considerable period of time, which is that we don't know who the other applicants were, we have no way to know whether there is even somebody among the other list that fills the criteria that you have set out for a successful applicant for this position. To turn this nominee down without knowing if there is anyone else - we do know that this fellow appears to be

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qualified, he has been there for six years, he offers one very valuable asset which is that he provides continuity of service. I believe we have a new chair with the Farm Loan Board, do we not, recently appointed, and that has some value in terms of knowing the practices of the board and being able to continue on with work that has begun.

I don't have any particular reason to want to support Mr. Sproule over any other applicant. It is just that we have no way of knowing who the other applicants are so in that vacuum, how do we determine, how do we vote against a nominee who appears to be, at least on the surface, qualified?

MR. DOWNE: I find Mr. Carey's comments interesting. I remember appointing Mr. Cox who had little if any on farm experience, agriculture rep, very fine gentleman, but he was a government employee and agriculture representative and everybody sat down and said that was a great appointment.

MR. CAREY: I don't recall anybody sitting down and saying it was a great appointment.

MR. DOWNE: Well, you voted in favour of it, but I guess the other one would be Mr. Sproule produces turkeys, I understand now. He has been a continuity of the board, issue is clear. Maybe that is why you did not want to appoint the former chairman back in. I mean, he was retired but very active in the fact that his boys were running the hog operation. Mr. Ueffing - you remember that one and you guys said you didn't want him back in because of whatever reason.

MR. CAREY: But this gentleman hasn't owned a farm in 10 years.

MR. DOWNE: I am just saying that Mr. Sproule has been farming and he still farms, he still has a turkey operation . . .

MR. CAREY: Where is he still farming? No, he doesn't have a turkey operation. He doesn't own a farm.

MR. DOWNE: Just a period of time ago he was very active in all those capacities. I guess the question is, this is a gentleman who chaired the pork board, been very active in the poultry industry, probably brought in more progressive pieces of technology to the industry in the last 5 or 10 years than anybody for a long time and I am just absolutely amazed that we are sitting here discussing competent, capable people and you guys over there just sit here and - I mean I just cannot believe it. You are opposing people who have the credentials, have the capability, have the technical background and have the experience and have the respect of the industry and criticize that. I just fail to understand.

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If you take a look at the previous Farm Loan Board way back when, we had very competent people who had years of experience and their children took over their farm operations, but they themselves understood agriculture very well and I think we have seen more progressive moves in the Farm Loan Board than we have seen for a long time. They made $1 million last year, they run an effective operation and this is the vice-chair of that organization and you are saying that he is not competent to be on the board. I find that just absolutely unbelievable.

MR. CAREY: I am saying to represent the hog industry, I believe we should have someone that is currently involved in it.

MR. DOWNE: Well, then, if are you going to have a board that represents every single commodity in the Province of Nova Scotia, you are going to have a lot more on the board than you currently have, because I don't see every commodity in the Province of Nova Scotia on that board now.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Barry, did you want to comment? You go ahead and comment first.

MR. BARRY BARNET: First of all, with respect to Darrell's comments about the fact that we don't know who the other candidates are or might be, if in fact this committee's wisdom is to not appoint Mr. Sproule, at some future meeting we will get a look at who those people will be.

MR. DEXTER: One? One more.

MR. BARNET: The evidence will become clear then I guess, obviously, and you will be able to make up your mind whether you vote in favour or against that particular individual in the event that this committee decides not to appoint Mr. Sproule. I guess the important point here is that like other departments of government, the Farm Loan Board and other boards and agencies, we need to have people who are actively involved in these boards and agencies in the industries that they represent. To me it is vitally important whether it is the Farm Loan Board or any other board that the people that we put on these committees, these boards and agencies are people who are active in the industries, who are active in the areas that they will be representing so they are current, they are up to date and know the industry.

You are right, if we were to try to place somebody from every single sector of farm marketing on these, we would have an awful large board, but we do have to get the right mix. We have to make sure that the industries that need the support and help, the ones that are in a situation of flux like the hog industry, for example, we get good sound advice from that board, so that next year they can in turn make another $1 million, as that seems to be the predominant interest. So I will be supporting Mr. Carey's no vote.

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MR. DOWNE: This is really a farce.

MR. DEXTER: I want to make this clear, it is not that I disagree with what Mr. Carey has had to say, in fact, the argument he puts forward may well carry some weight, it is just, to come back to this again, the problem is I do not know, because I do not have the information, what other applicants exist and to say, well, you are going to get to see one more, that does not help in the evaluation of this appointment. This is the one that is before us that carries with it the certification of the minister.

MR. BARNET: Mr. Chairman, if I might interrupt. What I was trying to say is you get to decide for or against this based on the information you have here before you and based on what Mr. Carey has said; you can vote yes or you can vote no. We cannot talk about what you are going to get to see in the future, but we can talk about what you have right here right now and that is what I was trying to point . . .

MR. DEXTER: There is, of course, a third alternative which is what I am going to be doing, which is abstaining from this vote in order to again make the point that when these kinds of arguments are made, because I have nothing else to judge it on and it is part of the ongoing frustrations that we feel around these appointments, then the only thing I am left to do is to abstain and again ask that we find a better way to evaluate these applications.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Can I respond to that?

MR. DEXTER: Mr. Chairman, you can, but I know what you are going to say which is to get the subcommittee work released, and I agree.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Please, please, hurry.

MR. DEXTER: But I am not sure that the results of the subcommittee are going to fix that anyway.

MR. CHAIRMAN: They might not, but they might as well.

MR. DEXTER: But the point here is that we do not get enough information to be able to properly assess the applications and as far as I can tell, that has been the history of this committee for as far back as anyone can remember.

MR. WILLIAM DOOKS: Mr. Chairman, if I may, a number of times names are put forward here. We are a committee and sometimes we have to draw from each other's resources and Mr. Carey being from the farming community must certainly understand the issue. If he does not feel comfortable with this, it must be based more than just on a thought. I think that we should listen to each other and what we bring to this committee. You said you

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have nothing to base your decision on. Well, Mr. Dexter, I suggest that maybe you should consider Mr. Carey's knowledge of the farming industry . . .

MR. DEXTER: I am considering it, obviously. That is my point.

MR. DOOKS: . . . because I am certainly not familiar that there is any political tie. Sometimes we even suggest that it is a political reason. Well, reading this here, there is no information supplied that I understand that this is a political move. So I guess I would have to support Mr. Carey with his knowledge of the farming community.

MR. DOWNE: Mr. Chairman, I have two farm operations, I am a Past President of the Federation of Agriculture in Nova Scotia, I was Vice-President of the Federation of Agriculture in Canada, and you are telling me the fact that I am saying that this individual is highly regarded and respected in the industry does not carry any weight, but Jon Carey's voice does? This is really sick what you guys are doing here.

MR. DOOKS: Mr. Chairman, I was directing my comments towards Mr. Dexter, saying that he did not have anything to base it on. I was just asking him to open up and listen to different sides and comments of the committee. He can choose to vote with Mr. Downe or with Mr. Carey. That is his vote for sure. What I am trying to say (Interruptions) I am trying to ask the committee to open up and understand and to think about the knowledge of both and making a decision on that basis.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Maureen, you wanted to comment on this issue.

MS. MAUREEN MACDONALD: What an odd situation. I guess that Mr. Downe sort of made my point in some respects. We have people around the table who have expertise in this particular area and I do not think it is very useful to get into an argument over who knows more about the farming industry. We obviously have people here who know a lot about the farming industry, so let's be respectful of that.

The problem that I have as a new person to this process is that I believe I only have in front of me half of the information that is required to make an informed decision. I do not feel comfortable making a decision with half the information that is required. So this person who is being recommended, I believe by the minister, for vice-chair may, in fact, be the most qualified person who has applied, but I do not know that because I do not know who else has applied. So it would be real helpful to have more information here.

Just for clarification, Mr. Chairman, can you tell me what the process is if this appointment does not go through? Does the minister go back to the list and select someone else and provide that information or do we have an opportunity to . . .

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MR. CHAIRMAN: That would be my understanding. We will check with our legal counsel, but my understanding is if this motion is defeated - although, Don, I guess we could look at a stay if you wanted to - then the minister would have to come back with another name. I realize what you are saying, Darrell and Maureen, but by legislation, according to the little green book, we are allowed to look at one name and either accept or reject it. That is the only mandate we have. We have protested about that and the subcommittee is looking at that issue. So I encourage you again to get a rep for the subcommittee. Mr. Spurr.

MR. JAMES SPURR: I guess to answer the specific question that was raised, what would likely happen if this name were not approved is the minister would review the pool of candidates deemed to be qualified for this board as assessed by the screening committee, and I expect would choose another candidate to take to the Executive Council and then to this committee.

MR. CHAIRMAN: How many applications were received for this board?

MS. MORA STEVENS (Human Resources Committee Coordinator): Nine.

MR. CHAIRMAN: That is what I thought.

MR. DEXTER: The minister, though, could choose to resubmit this name.

MR. CHAIRMAN: If we defeat it, the minister can resubmit it. Yes, that is true.

MR. DOWNE: I understand that when the minister signs his name to this document, in his view this is the most competent person, the same as with the second name that is on that list, in the minister's view, that is the best and most competent person for that job, holus-bolus, the whole nine yards. The minister has said, in his view and subject to all other input, that this is the most qualified person for the job.

Here we have the minister of the day saying these two people are the most qualified people and his own people are questioning the integrity of the Minister of Agriculture - who is also a farmer, by the way, Jon - and his ability to choose who is the most competent person for the job. If the minister did not want the person here, he should never have signed the document that said in his view they are the most competent. So now we are questioning the minister himself and the list goes on.

MR. CAREY: Mr. Chairman, if that is the criteria for making the decision, there is no point in any of us being here because it is a rubber stamp.

MR. DOWNE: Exactly the point, Jon, we have been saying that all along.

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MR. CAREY: But we are here and I believe it is an opportunity, if we so believe, for this committee to do something instead of being a rubber stamp. If in fact that is all it is, why are we here?

MR. DEXTER: We have begged you to do that on numerous occasions and you have refused.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there any more discussion on this, because we have gone around this and we are starting to repeat ourselves.

Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

The motion is defeated.

Now we need a motion for the second name.

MR. DOWNE: I think Jon will probably want to do that right away.

MR. CAREY: I can say that here is a person who is actively involved in farming. He just last week finished his term as president of the federation in Kings County. He is on the cutting edge of the industry and horticulture and greenhouses.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Could I please interrupt, sorry. I need a motion before we can have any discussion. So is someone prepared to move this name and, please, give the details.

MR. BARNET: I move the name of Hank Bosveld, member, Department of Agriculture, Farm Loan Board.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay, now we can have the discussion. Yes, Mr. Carey. Sorry to have interrupted you.

MR. CAREY: I apologize for being out of order, but here is exactly what I am talking about. Here is a person who is currently involved, who is pursuing new avenues of marketing and technical areas in the greenhouse industry in horticulture, actively involved, I understand, was Businessman of the Year with the Annapolis Board of Trade, Eastern Kings Chamber of Commerce and so this is my point in the comparison. Here is a person who is actively involved and knows what is going on and I believe would be very effective.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Any further discussion?

Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions? Three abstentions.

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[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: The next set, you can do them individually or en bloc.

MR. DOOKS: Mr. Chairman, I would like to do them en bloc. The Department of Community Services, Children and Family Services Act Advisory Committee: Paula Altenburg, Denis John Cassivi, Cindy Cormier, Sharon Dewar, Douglas Dobson, Anne Malick, Sylvia Parris and Edward Vale, all members.

MR. CHAIRMAN: What is an RSW? (Interruptions) Is there any discussion on any of these names?

MR. DEXTER: I just look at some of the names, it seems to me that one of the important things in considering these is the kind of community support that you see behind some of the individuals, I think that was in fact Mr. Downe's point on Mr. Sproule, that he had a community of support behind these people and it gives you some reason to support the nominees.

MR. CHAIRMAN: I really don't know. I do know it is a committee that has not been active before and the minister is trying to activate it. It is an advisory committee to the minister. Do you have something more to add, Jim?

MR. SPURR: Just to refer you to the quote from the Statute in your book. The composition is set out.

MR. DEXTER: So they fill those requirements and these ones do comply with that?

MR. SPURR: Yes, they do.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

[The motion is carried.]

MR. RONALD CHISHOLM: Mr. Chairman, for the Disabled Persons' Commission, I would like to put them en bloc: Julianne Acker-Verney, member; William Crawford, member; Ralph D. Ferguson, member; Scott Andrew Gillis, member; Audrey Harmer, member; Brian Tapper, member; and H. Jane Warren, member. I so move.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay, you have heard the motion. Is there any discussion for the Disabled Persons' Commission?

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MS. MAUREEN MACDONALD: Just a point of clarification. How many members are on this commission? In total.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Are currently on? It should be at the back of - there it is, on Page 1. There is one person currently on, Crystal Taylor from the Halifax Regional Municipality and there is supposed to be the chair and 12 people. So, again, it is a committee that does not seem to have been functioning perhaps as well as it should be. Does that answer your question, Maureen? You see the very first page on the board information chart?

MS. MAUREEN MACDONALD: There will still be vacancies? Is that . . .

MR. CHAIRMAN: There will still be, we will put on one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, yes, there will still be five, including the chair.

[9:30 a.m.]

MR. DEXTER: Do we know, I assume there are additional appointments coming forward. I noticed there were 26 applications for this position.

MR. CHAIRMAN: We have a response here, Darrell, to that question.

MS. STEVENS: I know there are vacancies that are currently coming up. When I asked about them for the bulk ad, which is coming out in November, they said they had names within the system. So that would include these names. They do not all come forward at once. Sometimes they will come a couple names at a time.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Do we want to encourage them to fill up this committee? Is that what you are suggesting?

MR. DEXTER: No, I was just wondering.

MS. STEVENS: They might not need to have 12.

MR. DEXTER: I am not going to go through the whole thing again about how it is difficult to assess whether or not these people are the best qualified to do this. Quite frankly, I do know some of the people on this list and know them to be fine individuals, so I do not think I need to go through that again. I was just wondering, I guess four positions, plus the chair, have to be filled and we do not know is the answer?


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MR. CHAIRMAN: Just a point of clarification that I am getting, so I do not lead you astray, they can fill up to 12 positions including chair. They do not have to unless the legislation specifically states that it has to be. So I did not want to lead you astray. You probably knew that as a lawyer better than I did. Any more discussion on these names?

Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: For the next one, en bloc or individually, as you so choose, please give the names, positions and the agency, board or commission.

MR. BARNET: Mr. Chairman, I would like to move from the Department of Community Services to the Round Table on Child Care: Robert Hannigan as Chair, Alice LeBlanc-Boudreau, Jennifer Lohnes, Carol Anne May, Nardina Tellum, Goranka Vukelich, and it lists where the appointments are coming from.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Just a comment here that I think is a very good comment. On the Board Information Chart you will note - it is the second part that I think is important - "Members may return after a break in service . . . A member who misses 3 consecutive meetings forfeits membership." Whoever put that in was on the ball, I think.

MR. BARNET: Mr. Chairman, I noticed that it is spelled out that they come from constituencies, obviously, and I wonder if it would be wise to put that on the record, or is that necessary?

MR. CHAIRMAN: We have not had that on the record before.

MR. BARNET: I just see that the members appointed are from child care, teacher, non-profit, child care, teacher, private. I just do not know if it is necessary to have that on the record.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Do we want that on the record, Mora?

MS. STEVENS: It does not have to be. It is on the list of the official record when it gets published and on this as well.

MR. BARNET: Okay, good.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Are you ready for the question? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

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[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: The next one can be done en bloc or individually, it does not matter.

MR. DOOKS: Mr. Chairman, the Social Assistance Appeal Board, Cumberland, I so move Brenda J. O'Brien as a member.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Are you ready for the question? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: On to the Department of Education nominees, is anyone prepared to move these?

MR. BARNET: Yes, I will move those. Under the Department of Education, the College of Art and Design, Nova Scotia Board of Governors - these are all members - Allison Bishop, Tom Forrestall, Fred Holtz, Michael-Andreas Kuttner, Beverly McClare and Lloyd M. Newman.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: The next department, the Department of Health, this is the one we had a name withdrawn at the last meeting. Is someone prepared to move this name?

MR. DOOKS: Mr. Chairman, the Department of Health, Health Authority Districts, District 4, Colchester County, I so move Garry Pye as Chair and member.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Did you say Jerry? (Laughter)

MR. DOOKS: Garry. I was very careful, I paused there for a second.

MR. DEXTER: Mr. Chairman, I have a question of a technical nature. The Health Authorities Act has not been proclaimed. That is my understanding.


MR. DEXTER: How do we appoint members to an authority that does not exist?

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MR. SPURR: Once the Act has been passed by the Legislature, but has not yet been proclaimed into law, there is a provision in the Interpretation Act which allows appointments to be made, the theory behind it being that sometimes these things need to be constituted and in place before the Act is proclaimed into law.

MR. DOWNE: I am just wondering, is it the government's mandate now that they need to have somebody who actually was active in the health industry to be on as chairman of a board? If so, I would like to know what his background in health really has been other than his work with GM.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Does anybody have any more information? He has been Chair of the Colchester Regional Hospital Foundation, according to his letter, which is the fund-raising arm for the hospital.

MR. DOWNE: In the view of the government, that is enough. I am not arguing for it. I am just asking if that is going to be the mandate from now on, that they are actively involved?

MR. CHAIRMAN: We would have to ask the minister that. Do you want to write a letter to the minister asking . . .


MR. DOOKS: I do not think that was his point.

MR. CHAIRMAN: You are being facetious, I am sorry, too early in the morning for me.

MR. DEXTER: I want to support getting this in place as quickly as possible because we know some of the difficulties that are being dealt with in the Colchester Regional Hospital. I believe the Premier at one point pointed to Mr. Pye and said once we have him in place, he will be able to deal with these matters and see to it that that hospital and the administration there is straightened out. So I am looking forward to that. Given the upheaval at that institution over the past little while with the lay-offs of paediatric nurses, it certainly is going to need some attention and quickly.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Department of Tourism and Culture and I think, again, this is one that was not really too active and the minister wants to reactivate it.

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MS. STEVENS: It has been there.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Has it been there, okay, then I am wrong. Yes, it has been there. There are quite a few names that we have.

MR. RONALD CHISHOLM: Mr. Chairman, I would like to move to the Youth Advisory Council: Amanda Cherpak, Sarah Hines, Myra Hyland, Mary Ruth Vassallo, Karen Wong and Jeffrey M. Yurchesyn.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay. Abstentions?

[The motion is carried.]

MR. CHAIRMAN: The subcommittee, I urge you, please, we need a representative from the NDP. The next meeting dates: we are going to be looking at the issue of theatre under our other hat, and that is going to be on November 14th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00; our ABC meeting is November 28th. I will accept a motion to adjourn.

MR. DOOKS: I so move.

MR. CHAIRMAN: We are adjourned.

[The committee adjourned at 9:41 a.m.]