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Statutes for Year 1999 (1st Session) | Archived Statutes 1758 - 1997 | Search Statutes
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* - Bill was amended in committee

Statutes for Year: 1999 (1st Session)

Chapter Name of Billsort descending HTML
3 Applied Science Technology Act* HTML
4 Business Efficiency (1999) Act* HTML
5 Commercial Arbitration Act* HTML
8 Direct Sellers' Regulation Act (amended)* HTML
2 Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act (amended)* HTML
6 Flight 111 Special Places Memorial Act HTML
17 Gaelic College Foundation Act (amended) HTML
13 Halifax Regional Water Commission Act (amended)* HTML
9 Health Council Act (amended) HTML
10 House of Assembly Act (amended) HTML
14 Lunenburg Common Lands Act (amended) HTML
11 Motor Vehicle Act (amended)* HTML
7 Petroleum Resources Removal Permit Act* HTML
12 Tobacco Access Act (amended) HTML
18 Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities Act (amended) HTML
1 Workers' Compensation Act (amended) HTML
15 Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission Act (amended) HTML
16 Yarmouth Area IndustrialCommission Tax Exemption Act (amended) HTML