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Statutes for Year 1999 (1st Session) | Archived Statutes 1758 - 1997 | Search Statutes
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* - Bill was amended in committee

Statutes for Year: 1999 (1st Session)

Chaptersort ascending Name of Bill HTML
18 Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities Act (amended) HTML
17 Gaelic College Foundation Act (amended) HTML
16 Yarmouth Area IndustrialCommission Tax Exemption Act (amended) HTML
15 Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission Act (amended) HTML
14 Lunenburg Common Lands Act (amended) HTML
13 Halifax Regional Water Commission Act (amended)* HTML
12 Tobacco Access Act (amended) HTML
11 Motor Vehicle Act (amended)* HTML
10 House of Assembly Act (amended) HTML
9 Health Council Act (amended) HTML
8 Direct Sellers' Regulation Act (amended)* HTML
7 Petroleum Resources Removal Permit Act* HTML
6 Flight 111 Special Places Memorial Act HTML
5 Commercial Arbitration Act* HTML
4 Business Efficiency (1999) Act* HTML
3 Applied Science Technology Act* HTML
2 Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act (amended)* HTML
1 Workers' Compensation Act (amended) HTML